Juicing For Health | Juicing To Lose Weight | Juice Lady Cherie

Agave – Not So Good

Despite its reputation as a worry-free sweetener, agave is actually full of sugar—sporting a fructose content of up to 90 percent. Too much fructose can cause scarring to the liver.  Sugar suppresses the activity of our white blood cells, which makes us more susceptible to infections such as colds, the flu, and other upper respiratory conditions, as well as cancer. In addition, it can also contribute to aging skin.  Dr. Perricone explains that “sugar overload can cause collagen fibers to lose their strength, making skin more vulnerable to sun damage, wrinkles, and sagging.” As we enter the holiday season of baking and sweets, the best sweeteners to use are:

  1. Stevia (I like Sweet Leaf Vanilla Creme)
  2. Coconut nectar
  3. Pure maple syrup (organic)


  1. Denise Greene

    Thank you for clarifying this, I’m still not sure about Stevia, for me it acts like sugar (contributes to bladder incontinence) when too much is used. But in small amounts Ibcan tolerate it unlike all the others.

    • I’m with you. I can’t use very much stevia either. My body doesn’t seem to tolerate sweeteners either. I can use a few drops once in a while.

  2. gloria stone

    Thought agave has a low glycemic value and that that is why it comes up often as a white sugar alternative. Not true? Thank you.

  3. I love Xylitol. My grandchildren can’t tell it from sugar and you don’t have to change your recipes. It’s 1 to 1. It also fights fungus. I use their toothpaste also.

  4. Hi Cherie, I’m wondering about xylitol or coconut sugar?

    • Xylitol is not good unless it is made from organic birch bark; most is from the paper industry by product. Coconut sugar is good.

  5. What about honey, particularly organic and /or local?

    • Honey is higher in fructose, but a little organic and local is ok.