3 Reasons You Need to Detox Now!

You Don’t Feel Your Best. You’ve lost that feeling of vitality, zest for life, joy in living, and energy to get things done. You have symptoms of being toxic such as digestive problems, headaches, foggy brain, aches and pains, allergies, poor sleep, or skin problems. (Your skin is your largest organ of elimination.) With a cleanse program, you can start feeling better within a few days.

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Can It Really Happen?

Did you ever dream it was possible to get drunk on sugar or too many carbs?  One woman did.  Just before this last Christmas she was arrested for DWI, but she had not been drinking.  The charges were dismissed because it was proven that she had a syndrome that “causes substances in the gut to ferment food into ethanol, thereby causing a person’s blood-alcohol level to spike. While the story of food-turning-to-alcohol in the body may seem like a convenient tale for the police, doctors have found the rare condition in multiple patients.”  Dr. Richard Peek told ABC News. “When [yeast] ingest a meal that has a high amount of carbohydrates, they metabolize the carbohydrates into ethanol.”

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Do You Need A Heavy Metals Detox?

Do You Need A Heavy Metals Detox?

We’re bombarded by chemicals from hundreds of sources that are very destructive to the body.  Many of them are neurotoxins, which are exogenous chemicals that are destructive to nerve tissue, and include heavy metals such as lead and aluminum, fungi, viruses, and other pathogens, pesticides, drugs, and food additives…These toxic bad guys get absorbed by nerve endings and make their way to the nerve cells.

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Spring Juice Cleanse

Spring Juice Cleanse

Spring Juice Cleanse

Are you ready to shape up for spring and skip into summer with a new glow, abounding energy, and your waistline redefined?  Juice cleansing is your key.

We just finished our spring Juice & Raw Foods Retreat.  Everyone was rejuvenated.  Several people lost 9 or 10 pounds.  Everyone was glowing by the last day.  If you missed the retreat, still have an opportunity to cleanse with my 30-Day Detox that starts in a week.

Here’s why juice fasting so powerful in changing how you feel and look:

  • Juice is rich in antioxidants that bind up toxins that would otherwise damage your cells. Without all those bad guys roaming around in your system, you’ll have less damage.  That means fewer wrinkles.  It also means more repair from the inside out.  You’ll start looking younger. You’ll improve the health of your stomach.  Are you hooked on ant-acids?  Trouble with digestion?  Juice fasting can give your stomach a break.  It won’t have to work so hard to extract nutrients.  Actually, the work is done by the juicer.  If you have low stomach acid, which can cause acid reflux by the way, you’ll get a break.  You won’t need as much strong acid to break down the juice.  And after the juice cleanse, you could try adding two teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar to six ounces of water and drink 15 minutes before you eat.  That may solve your problem.
  • Repairs your gut. That’s right!  Gut repair is the name of this game. The Standard American Diet is a gut buster for sure.  Here’s how the gut gets damaged.   The American diet is replete with damaged fats, sugar and other refined carbs, flour products that turn to glue-like substances in the gut, foods saturated in additives and pesticides, and gooey cheese.  Dump on all that some anti-acids and other over the counter drugs.  And twist it all up with a heaping dose of stress, and you’ve got more than enough to give you constant indigestion and to damage your tiny little microvilli that are responsible for nutrient absorption.  This can lead to leaky gut syndrome, which allows particles to float into your system that shouldn’t be there.
  • Rejuvenates your liver. Your liver is the king of your detoxification organs. It’s the hardest working organ you have.  Everything has to pass through your liver.  It’s the prep plant for the rest of the body.  Problems arise when there are too many toxins for the liver to deal with.  It can get congested and even develop stones just like the gallbladder.  This is your time to cleanse this key organ.  It’s key to your health, youthfulness, and efficient weight loss.
  • Facilitates weight loss. You can lose 5 to 10 pounds in a week when you juice fast.  I say this because I can back it up with stories from all the people who have attended our juice fast retreats through the years.  You will lose some water weight, but what’s wrong with that?  You will also lose some fat.  The 3-day juice cleanse is a fantastic way to jumpstart your detox.  It helps control your cravings.  I call it the ultimate palate cleanse.  Because your juice fast days are lower in calories (usually around 1,000 or less when you don’t use a lot of fruit) you will lose weight.  But you aren’t starving your body because you’ll have plenty of healing, energizing nutrients.
  • Flat belly. Watch your stomach shrink.  You’ll get rid of belly bloat.  That muffin top of fat will melt away day by day.
  • Kicks up your energy. The first day or two you may not have more energy; you may be more tired as toxins are released.  But just wait!  Energy is on it’s way. And the energy is better than anything provided by caffeine or sugar.  This is true sustaining energy.
  • Mental clarity. Juice cleansing is the ultimate foggy brain buster. You might feel a little spacey as you are juice fasting, but then the fog will clear, and those 100 billion plus little neurons in your brain will spark up. One reason for better clarity is that you are restricting calories. A study published in the journal Neurobiology of Aging found “There is significant evidence linking caloric restriction in adult mice with the growth of new brain cells. Specifically it is linked to increased production of [Brain-derived neurotrophic factor] BDNF. Basically restricting your calories and not overeating produces somewhat of a stress response in the body. Following this stress response is the production of new neurons.” (http://mentalhealthdaily.com/2013/03/05/11-ways-to-grow-new-brain-cells-and-stimulate-neurogenesis/http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15123339; accessed 4/16/16)
  • Heals at the cellular level. When you flood your system with raw juices, you provide an abundance of biophotons, which are light rays of energy that plants absorb from the sun. They help your cells communicate better.  And when you start cleansing the interstitial fluids that bathe the cells, the little cells start taking in nutrients and expelling waste more efficiently.  The biophotons also feed your mitochondria, the energy units of your cells. All this spells… you guessed it… cellular healing.
  • Provides maximum detox. As you drink your nutrient-charged fresh raw juices, you are consuming a cornucopia of nutrients—antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, and biophotons. Your body uses all these nutrients for detoxification.  Now your body can support all the phases of detoxification far more efficiently.  Plus you won’t be pouring in more toxins.  On a normal day, many people pour in congestive or toxic substances all day long.  The body can barely keep up with what’s coming down your pipes, let alone clear out any stored up toxic material.  It’s kind of like a heavy snowstorm.  You may shovel all day long just to keep your deck from collapsing. Finally, you’re worn out and quit. During your juice fast days, your body can focus on removing the cumulative toxins stored in organs, cells, and tissue spaces. And for most of us, there’s a lot of unwanted material stored up. “In a study spearheaded by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) in collaboration with Commonweal, researchers at two major laboratories found an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies born in August and September of 2004 in U.S. hospitals. Tests revealed a total of 287 chemicals in the group. The umbilical cord blood of these 10 children, collected by Red Cross after the cord was cut, harbored pesticides, consumer product ingredients, and wastes from burning coal, gasoline, and garbage.” (http://www.ewg.org/research/body-burden-pollution-newborns; accessed 4/16/16)
  • Purges mucous. Do you have mucous hanging out in your inner parts?  The juice fast,  like no other form of fasting, helps your body get rid of excess mucous that can build up over time. Various mucous membranes line body cavities and canals  such as the respiratory, digestive, and urogenital tracts. They are found in the mouth, nose, trachea, eyelids, lungs, stomach, intestines, and bladder. Mucous provides protection and lubrication and it offers a barrier from outside invaders. When we’re in a state of good health, this mucous has a thin consistency. But over time, with a build up of toxins, chronic conditions can arise. We may experience a buildup of thicker mucous, which can clog our system and harbor chemicals, pathogens, and dead cells that would otherwise be removed. When we juice fast, we eliminate refined flour products, fried food, sugar, dairy, sodas, caffeine, alcohol, and junk food— typical mucous forming foods and substances.  As we ditch the irritating foods and substances, the body stops producing excess mucus, and it can work on sweeping out mucous, dead cells, pathogens, and other foreign material.
  • Alkalizes. This is another juicy bonus. Fresh juices are very alkaline. This is helpful in balancing pH in your body. You must maintain a delicate, precise pH balance in the blood, which is slightly alkaline. A healthy pH balance in the blood should be between 7.35 and 7.45. To maintain this balance, the body will draw minerals from bones, teeth, and muscles to use as buffer against the acids if there aren’t enough minerals present in your diet. The acidity or alkalinity of foods can be classified by how we process them. Our bodies transform nearly all foods into acid or alkaline bases. Though we need a balance of different foods for good health, most people eat far more acid-producing foods than alkaline-forming foods. Consuming excess acid-producing substances cause a condition called acidosis.  Adding high-alkaline vegetable juices to your diet brings your pH into balance. You will notice that you gain energy when your body is more alkaline balanced.  Fresh juices are packed with minerals and other nutrients that help you achieve this acid-alkaline balance.

Read more about the 30 Detox Challenge!


Today’s Recipe

31499477_lMoroccan Beet Detoxer

  • 1 small bunch of mint
  • 1 dark green lettuce leaf such as romaine or green leaf
  • 1 beet, with leaves
  • 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic
  • 1 lemon, peeled if not organic
  • 1 green apple

Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Wrap mint in lettuce leaf. Start by juicing the beet and cucumber, then push the lettuce-mint wrap through slowly, and

follow with lemon. Pour into a glass and drink as soon as possible. Serves 1.

Adapted from The Juice Lady’s Big Book of Juices and Green Smoothies

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Toxic Liver

Toxic Liver

Is life worth living? It all depends on the liver.”
– William James

Think about your body as you would your car. What if you never changed your oil or filters in your car?  It’s the same thing with your body.  Your liver could be likened to the oil filter in your car.  What if it was never changed?  We all know the answer— the car would eventually die.  Why do we think we can go through life never cleansing our liver?

The liver is a prime place for the body to store toxins that can’t be excreted. Highly toxic chemicals can pass through the liver, including residues from pesticides and herbicides. And it doesn’t take a megadose of toxins or irritating substances to weaken the liver of some individuals. It can be damaged by a variety of chemicals, medications, alcohol, and viruses.

One of the most common medications known to destroy liver cells is acetaminophen (found in Tylenol™). Even when taken in recommended amounts, this drug can do great harm to the liver of some individuals. Fructose is another substance that can scar the liver.  Especially avoid high fructose corn syrup; it is not just a natural substance made from corn, as commercials would have us believe.  Also, agave syrup, which has been very popular as a natural sweetener, is very high in fructose.  It is not a good choice in sweeteners.

Alcoholics are known to have bad livers because alcohol is a powerful liver toxin. Over time, heavy drinkers can develop severe scarring of the liver and loss of cells. Chronic heavy drinkers with damaged, poorly functioning livers are also at high risk of liver cancer. This is a result of the chronic scarring, inflammation, and exposure to toxins. But it may not be only heavy drinking that causes problems for some people. Researchers have found even small amounts of alcohol can cause fatty deposits in the livers of susceptible individuals as can eating too many sweets.

As a consequence of our modern diet, many people have considerable congestion and even stones in their liver. This may be true even though a person has not had a history of gallstones. Stones in the liver are an impediment to acquiring and maintaining good health, youthfulness, and vitality. They are, indeed, one of the major reasons people become ill and have difficulty recuperating from illness or recovering from disease.

A congested liver is one reason people have high cholesterol, even though they may eat a  healthful diet and exercise regularly. Your liver creates more cholesterol that a normal diet contains. If you cut your cholesterol intake completely, your body would simply manufacture more. If you have high cholesterol, you may have a congested liver. As stones grow and congestion increases, the pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. It could be likened to your garden hose containing pebbles or small stones. Much less water would flow through it, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out water.  If you have liver stones or congestion, much less bile is “squirted out” and less cholesterol leaves the body, causing a rise in cholesterol.

Liver detoxing will help your liver become more efficient at performing all its functions, including making cholesterol and eliminating cholesterol. It’s one of the best things you can do to regain balance of your cholesterol   Taking a cholesterol-lowering drugs will not get to the root of the problem.

Liver congestion, toxicity, and stagnation are quite common, yet conventional medicine has no way to measure this.  Relying on blood tests for diagnostic purposes is inadequate. Most people who have a physical ailment have perfectly normal liver enzymes in the blood, despite suffering. Liver enzymes become elevated in the blood only when there is advanced liver cell destruction, as in hepatitis or liver inflammation. Liver cells contain large amounts of enzymes, and when they are ruptured, the enzymes enter the blood and signal liver abnormalities. By then, the damage has already occurred. It takes many years before such an event becomes apparent for most people. Therefore, cleansing the liver is an excellent preventative measure as well as being healing, restorative, and rejuvenating.  Want to look younger?  Do a liver cleanse.

It’s difficult to cleanse your liver if you have parasites in it. You won’t get out many stones or waste, and may feel sick. Embark on a parasite-killing program either before or during your liver cleanse.  If you get the Internal Cleanse Kit, you will get parasite cleanse products with it.

Make sure you complete the colon cleanse before cleansing the liver. (You will get a free Colon Cleanse Kit with the Internal Cleanse Kit.)

One of the Best Anti-agers—Getting Rid of Toxins

Doctors Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen say, “Give your liver a break: We’ve long considered toxins — like pollutants in the air and chemical additives in processed foods — major agers, which is what we call things that make your body older faster. When you overload your body with toxins, your liver goes into overdrive trying to filter out the gunk. Over time, excess wear and tear on its filtering system accelerates aging.”

So what can you do about the toxins in your life? The doctors say, “Treat them the same way you treat toxic people (you know, the ones who drive you to eat that whole cheesecake): Avoid ’em whenever you can. When you can’t, help your liver dispose of the vandals.”1

Symptoms of a Sluggish Liver 

If you have even a few of these symptoms, I recommend a liver cleanse.

  • Abdominal discomfort
  •  Aches and pains
  • Brown spots on the face and hands
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Anal itching
  • Bad breath
  • Body odor
  • Sallow or jaundiced complexion
  • Whitish or yellow tongue coating
  • Digestive problems (belching and/or flatulence)
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness after eating
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent urination at night
  • Migraine headaches or headaches that involve a feeling of fullness or heaviness in the head
  • Inability to tolerate heat or cold
  • Sleeplessness (insomnia)
  • Irritability
  • Loss of memory or inability to concentrate
  • Loss of sexual desire
  • Lower back pain
  • Malaise
  • Menstrual problems
  • Nervousness and anxiety
  • Pain around the right shoulder blade and shoulder (also connected with gallbladder congestion)
  • Puffy eyes and/or face
  • Red nose
  • Small red spots on the skin (either smooth or raised and hard—known as cherry angiomas)
  • Sinus problems
  • Allergies
  • Candidiasis
  • Constipation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Cellulite
  • Premenstrual syndrome

Benefits of Cleansing the LiverLFR

  • Clearer, brighter complexion
  • Dark circles disappear from under the eyes
  • Some age spots may disappear
  • Digestion improves
  • Weight loss becomes easier; cellulite goes away
  • Energy increases
  • Sleep improves; need to urinate during the night improves
  • Aches and pains disappear
  • Headaches often cease
  • Memory improves
  • Mood is better, with a better sense of well-being
  • Allergies go away
  • Facial puffiness disappears


1 From The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution


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Is Your Colon Toxic?

Is Your Colon Toxic

Eating overly cooked food, fried food, junk food, spoiled food,  refined foods, or sweets like cookies, chocolate, and ice cream, drinking coffee and alcohol, or taking drugs (prescription or recreational) can stimulate mucus secretion throughout the entire alimentary canal. This is normal; it’s the body’s natural way of protecting itself against the occasional encounter with spoiled or irritating food. But when we ingest these substances everyday, and for some people almost every meal, mucus and waste build up on the intestinal wall like crud builds up in the bathroom pipes. Pancreatic juices help to digest food and cleanse mucus from the intestines. However, continual poor food choices lead to constant mucus secretion, and the digestive juices cannot breakdown and eliminate all this overload of waste.

Mucous and waste buildup can interfere with nutrient absorption because it forms a hard, rubbery kind of layer in the intestinal tract.  I was skeptical about this until I tried an intestinal cleanse program a number of years ago.  I saw firsthand the truth of what I’d read.

95% of absorption of nutrients occurs in the small intestine.  If it’s coated with this plaque, you’re not going to be absorbing a significant portion of the nutrients you eat. Also, this mucous and waste build up provides a hiding place and breeding ground for Candida albicans, and parasites. I struggled with parasites and candidiasis for years, until I discovered the effectiveness of intestinal detoxification using the Parasite Cleanse Kit  and the Colon Cleanse Kit.

Living FoodsAs intestinal waste builds up, motility becomes less effective and material takes longer to pass through the digestive tract, which is called constipation. The longer the “transit time,” the longer the toxic waste matter sits in our bowel, which allows it to putrefy, ferment forming gases, and possibly be reabsorbed. The longer your body is exposed to putrefying food in your intestines, the greater the risk of developing disease. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least three meals worth of waste decaying in your colon at all times.

Disease usually begins with a toxic bowel. Those having fewer bowel movements are harboring a potentially fertile breeding ground for serious diseases such as cancer. Infrequent or poor quality bowel movements over an extended period of time may be very destructive to your health. It’s not hard to see why a clean intestinal tract is so important to good health. An intestinal cleanse program will help you reduce waste buildup in the intestinal tract and allow for more efficient absorption of nutrients.

From The Juice Lady’s Living Foods Revolution


The following symptoms are often associated with a congested colon and indicate the need to detoxify or cleanse your bowel:

  • Chronic Constipation
  • Gas & bloating
  • Diarrhea
  • Weight gain and inability to lose weight
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Impaired digestion
  • Stomach pain
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Leaky gut syndrome
  • Acid reflux or heartburn (GERD)
  • Diverticulitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Swollen or protruding belly
  • Candida albicans ((yeast infection)
  • Parasites
  • Food allergies
  • Gluten sensitivity
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Irritability, mood swings
  • Foul-smelling stools or gas
  • Frequent colds
  • Chronic headaches
  • Rashes, skin eruptions
  • Colon cancer

Take the Toxicity Quiz

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Spring Detox

Spring Detox

Spring is one of the best time to detox your body.  With the warmer weather it’s easier to drink vegetable juices for most meals or have a green smoothie and juice. My prayer is that you will never be sidelined from your destiny due to poor health.  I hope that you will be inspired to do your part in healing your body.  Detoxing is a big part of achieving renewed health.

colonThere are a number of cleanses you can do to detox your body. You can start right away. Vegetable juice fasting is very helpful as a kick off for the colon cleanse.  You can also do a liver/gallbladder cleanse, kidney-bladder cleanse. lung, lymphatic system, and skin and blood If you want to really be thorough, do a whole body internal cleanse with the Internal Cleanse Kit that comes with a free Colon Cleanse Kit.


Be Inspired!

Green Detox“I bought your books through the show It’s SuperNatural’s website. I have been juicing and eating healthy for 60 days. I lost 18 pounds, and my husband went from size 4X to 3X. We started with a 15-day juice fast for a couple of reasons. I had been on prednisone because of a very bad case of poison ivy. After I finished the prednisone, I still had the poison ivy rash, and I felt horrible. My husband, Edgar, has been trying to lose weight… unsuccessfully.  In addition he has high blood pressure and chronic fatigue syndrome. So we decided to fast…just juices and a smoothie at night.

I did not think Edgar would like the juices, because he does not like vegetables. Every time I tried to push a salad in front of him, he would say: I eat cow – cow eats grass – therefore I am eating veggies. However, it was his idea to do the juice fasting.  The colon-cleanser turned out to be his favorite. We have that juice every morning religiously. I slip in a piece of broccoli one day, the next day a couple of asparagus, and so on. At first I did not tell him in fear that he would suddenly taste the additional veggies, and stop the fasting all together. But it actually did not change the taste.

Well, here’s the amazing news! The poison ivy rash dried up in 10 days. Edgar, started losing weight and experiencing more energy.

After the fast was over, we incorporated veggies and tofu, eventually fish and chicken. I try to stay away from meat. I have been surprised to see that when we go to Fuddruckers, Edgar orders a salad! It has chicken in it, but just to see him enjoy  the salad is great accomplishment.

This is our new life style: Juices and a smoothie during the day, then a nice healthful dinner. We are not hungry, and we feel great. I don’t have cravings for sweets like I had before. The juicing has helped Edgar with his chronic fatigue syndrome, and of course the weight loss. Our goal is that he will eventually not need any medication for high blood pressure. So once again . . . Thank you!!!! Great is your reward in heaven!”  Graciela


Spring Cleanse Specials

I highly recommend you get a cleanse kit to go with the 30-Day Detox Program.  Many people say they wish they would have gotten a kit to go with the program.


15% OFF all Cleanse Kits

Use code SPRING15 at checkout.

Colon Cleanse Kit

Parasite Cleanse Kit

Internal Cleanse Kit with a Free Colon Cleanse Kit (also includes parasite cleanse)

Sauna Is Another Healthy Way to Detox

The simple act of sweating is one of the body’s safest and natural ways to heal and remain healthy.  The best way to induce a deep, detoxifying sweat is with a far infrared sauna.  Not to be confused with the hot rock or steam saunas of the past, far infrared saunas provide a gentle heat that is 7x more effective for detoxification.  Just like light from the sun, far infrared rays have the ability to penetrate up to 1-1/2 inches below your skin to detoxify and revitalize your cells. The resulting deep, highly efficient sweat eliminates toxins at the cellular level.

Not all infrared saunas are the same.  There are many low-end “infrared” saunas that don’t emit enough infrared to be effective.  The most credible brand on the market is Sunlighten.  Sunlighten far infrareds saunas have been clinically shown to actually raise core body temperature by 2 to 3 degrees (vs. simply heating the air around the body).  They also offer the only full spectrum infrared sauna which offers a 37 minute detoxification program, along with programs for weight loss, pain relief, and skin health.

This month, Sunlighten is having a Summer Detox Sale and all saunas are on sale.  Since I’m such a fan of Sunlighten, they have agreed to offer my readers a gift with any sauna purchase in June!  Visit www.Sunlighten.com to learn more.

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Rejuvenating Power of Fasting

Rejuvenating Power of Fasting

Rejuvenating Power of Fasting

“Fasting is the food of the soul.

St. John Chrysostom


We kicked off our 30-Day Detox Challenge January 4 with a 3-day juice fast. It’s been an amazing journey for more than 150 of us.

The health benefits of fasting are numerous and significant. Often people say they experience benefits in just a few days such as greater energy, brain power, and vitality. Other important benefits include improved digestion, stronger immune system, better sleep, reduced inflammation, balanced blood sugar, improved circulation, weight loss, balanced hormones, clearer skin, and a greater sense of well-being. Long-term exposure to toxins has been linked to numerous types of cancer, diabetes, and other chronic, health conditions. Flushing toxins and waste away with a veggie juice fast is a super rejuvenator for your body.

Do you want to heal your body? You can rejuvenate your body from the inside out. It is said that only half of our cells are fully functional, another quarter are in the formative stage, and the remaining are sick or degenerating. Fasting takes care of the last quarter. “The diseased cells disappear [in a fast], and the healthy ones remain,” says Otto Buchinger. (From Wisdom From the Monastery)

30877912_lJuice fasting happens at our retreats. We begin with gourmet raw foods and Tuesday begin a juice fast for 3 days together. It’s very helpful to have a group to juice with. It’s also very helpful to have the juice made for you, along with not having any food temptations lying around. We’ve seen amazing healing take place at our Juice and Raw Food Retreats in just five days. People lose weight, look younger, get rid of pain throughout their bodies, and start healing more serious conditions. I invite you to join us in April for a life-changing week.

Look at what these people experienced with juice fasting and detoxing:

This is the 3rd week [of the detox] for me. I was so happy to look in the mirror and see ALL the cellulite in the back area GONE!! The skin is as smooth and toned as could be, without having worked out since we started. Wow, just wow! Keep up the work, everyone, it’s so worth it. Also, I am not weighing till monday but I can tell I’ve lost a lot. —Jonida

I have also lost cellulite but it was so hard to believe, I didn’t say anything (and I have a little more to lose). Thanks for mentioning this. It’s a confirmation for me!   —-Nancy Jo

I began an enlightening journey juicing about 2 quarts a day. Every day.  What happened?  I became less hungry. That gnawing feeling of always being hungry left me.  The cup full of vitamins I took 3 times a day dwindled down to about a tablespoon once a day.  The pain I felt most of the time has lifted. I only want to eat meat once every three days now. I experimented to see what would happen if I used juice in place of different vitamins, to see if I could eliminate them.  When I added more ginger, my sinus congestion left.  I experimented to see if I was imagining the improvements. I deleted the juice for 2 days.  The pain, lack of energy, hunger and sinus congestion returned.  I went back on the juice and it went away again.

“I am a mother of 7. Between being pregnant and nursing it adds up to 14 years.  Even though my diet has been very good all those years I see that I was so hungry for what I have found in juicing.  It has become an ‘A’ activity for me. I am saving hundreds of dollars a month by getting my vitamins fresh in juice. Quite a concept.  I am surprised…and delighted. ”    —-Kathy

“What an amazing class. I would have never made it thru without Cherie’s guidance. The group experience was beyond helpful. People across the world took part. So much healing in people. People lost from 8 to 30 pounds and felt so much better. I lost the stubborn last 10 pounds that plague so many along with achy joints.  Thank you, Cherie”. – B.W. 

Read more about my Juice and Raw Food Retreats

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Detox = Weight Loss

Take Out the Trash – Lose Weight!

Did you know that toxins make you fat? They keep you from losing weight even when you are dieting. If you are struggling to lose weight despite eating well and exercising, toxins may be interfering with your body’s metabolism. There’s a lot you can do when it comes to taking out your body’s trash.

Because of all the environmental pollution in our world and our occasional, or maybe continual, unwise food choices, our normal body processes can get overwhelmed. Toxic substances, mucus, and congestion get trapped in our tissues and tissue spaces. Our body attempts to protect us by enclosing toxins in mucus and fat cells. When toxins enter your body, it does what it’s designed to do—protect you and keep you alive. To do that, the body needs to get the chemicals away from your vital organs and delicate tissues. The safest place to store them is in your —you guessed it!—fat cells. Then it’s going to hang onto those little storage tanks to protect you. It will even make more fat cells to store toxic waste if it needs them. So you get fatter and feel more sluggish and tired as time goes by. The only way that you are going to get rid of the toxin-filled fat cells is to do a cleanse. When you drink the cleansing, detoxifying juices that I recommend, along with the herbal tinctures, your cells can let go of the toxins and your body can let go of the fat.

Voila! You start losing weight without a huge amount of effort. You also start feeling better.

It’s estimated that the average adult has between five and ten pounds of accumulated toxic waste in their cells, tissues, and organs, particularly the colon. (That’s five to ten pounds we could feel really great about dropping!) Toxic substances that accumulate throughout the body can weaken and congest our organs and systems of elimination and lead to diseases such as cancer. They also mess up our weight-loss goals. If we go on a very strict diet that forces the body to let go of fat cells for survival, the weight will come right back on when we stop the program.

Toxins can cause diabetes to boot? Reporting in the Lancet (2008) scientists revealed a disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes(1). As the toxic bad guys roam around though out your body, these chemicals monkey with your ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insulin resistance. There are no drugs to treat it. The treatment is to cleanse your body.

Toxins make us sick; it’s now a proven fact. Market Watch Headline News yesterday sums it up: “Lifestyle gets blame for 70% to 90% of all cancers!” (2) A recent study published in Nature (2015) revealed that it is mostly environmental and external factors like smoking, drinking, diet, getting too much sun and exposure to toxic chemicals that cause cancer, rather than intrinsic factors like random cell mutations. Intrinsic factors accounted for just 10% to 30% of people’s lifetime risk of getting cancer, while extrinsic risks accounted for 70% to 90% for most common cancer types, the study showed. “Cancer risk is heavily influenced by extrinsic factors,” the study researchers, who work at Stony Brook University in New York, concluded.(3)

Looking at the information in the box below, you will notice that obesity or weight is listed for many different types of cancer. Why is that? I believe it’s because toxins are stored in fat cells and people who are overweight have a lot of toxicity hanging around to make them sick. This is something we all need to address, however, whether we are overweight or not. Cleansing our body will help us lose weight, but it will also help us prevent serious diseases down the road. Read Angel’s story below about how she cured her psoriasis with my liver detox.

Market Watch Article

Angel’s Story

“I had gotten psoriasis on my hands very badly from so many years of doing hair. When Cherie came to my salon and saw my hands, she gave me the carrot liver cleansing diet. She told me to do it once a month and possibly for 6 months. In one week my psoriasis on my hands was gone. It was amazing! She is awesome. All I can say is that I’m so happy to see all the information that she has given to so many people.”                                          —Angel


  1. Jones OA, Maguire ML, Griffin JL. Environmental pollution and diabetes: a neglected association. Lancet. 2008 Jan 26;371(9609):287-8.
  2. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/your-lifestyle-is-to-blame-for-70—90-of-cancers-2015-12-17?dist=countdown
  3. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature16166.html


30_dayJoin the 30 Day Detox Challenge eClass. Here’s to a Healthy Happy 2016!

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Detox: Renew Body and Soul


Right in the midst of your holiday festivities, I want you to stop for a moment and think about the New Year, your weight, and your health. Happy 2016 is just around the corner! That’s right—it’s only about 3 weeks away. How will you feel after ringing in the New Year? Lots of people say they feel tired, bloated, and overstuffed after the holidays. After all the buffets, toasts, parties, and sweets, your body may be SCREAMING for a detox in short order. In three weeks it’s going to be time to get back on track. Now is the time to plan ahead.

Is anyone exempt from needing a cleanse these days? No one. Even newborn babies have been shown in studies to come into the world with more than 200 different toxins in their bodies.

5 Reasons You Need to Cleanse

  • You need to ditch the toxins. We are all exposed to a host of environmental toxins and pollutants that include cancer-causing chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, and industrial waste. All this junk affects the immune system, behavior, mood, and joints. It leads to disease. This stuff even gets stored in the brain creating what scientists call sludge or brown slime that coats the neurons and leads to Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Disease Prevention. Detoxing assists your body in removing the chemicals and toxic waste that can lead to neurological disease, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The body has a built-in detox function to deal with toxins, but these systems are constantly overloaded and need our assistance.
  • Weight loss. Toxins affect the body’s ability to burn fat. Toxins are stored in fat cells to protect the delicate organs and tissues in your body. The body will even make more fat cells to store toxins when needed. Interstitial fluids get overloaded with toxins as well and chokes our cells. All this leads to weight gain and difficulty losing weight. Diabetes, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome are directly linked to weight issues. Detoxing rids the body of toxins stored in fat cells and perks up metabolism.
  • Improve your skin. Diet and environmental toxins affect your skin. When you detox, you can improve acne, eczema, strengthen your hair and nails, and get your healthy glow back.
  • Mental and emotional clarity. Detoxing includes your brain. You’ll find brain fog disappearing like the morning fog. You’ll be able to make better decisions, analyze situations more accurately, and see things more clearly. When the body’s systems are cleansed a shift occurs in your emotional state. You’ll feel more centered and calmer with a heightened sense of well being.

Check out my 30 Day Detox Challenge.

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12 Benefits of Detoxing Your Body

12 Benefits of Detoxing Your Body

12 Benefits of Detoxing Your Body

  1. Boosts Your Energy
  1. Rids the Body of Any Excess Waste and Toxins
  1. Helps You Lose Weight
  1. Improved Immune System
  1. Healthier Skin
  1. Say Goodbye Bad Breath
  1. Promotes Healthy Lifestyle Changes
  1. Clearer Thinking
  1. Healthier Hair
  1. Lighter Feeling
  1. Anti-Aging Benefits
  1. Improved Sense of Wellbeing


Just how toxic are you? Take the Toxicity Quiz.

I’m offering two ways to cleanse your body with me. Join the 30-Day Detox Challenge that Begins August 10.

Come to our Juice and Raw Foods Cleanse Retreat Sept 20-25. We will go through the cleanse together with vegetable juices, wheatgrass juice, and raw foods. Part of the week will be a 3-day juice fast. You will also have a chance to cleanse emotions and toxic thinking. This is a whole person approach to cleansing the body, soul, and spirit. Don’t miss this wonderful experience with my husband and I this fall.

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How Toxins Make Us Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

How Toxins Make Us Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

In 2008 scientists discovered a surprising and disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes(1). Inside your body, chemicals disturb your ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the disruptions can lead to insulin resistance. Why hasn’t this been headline news? Most probably because there are no drugs to treat it. In fact, the drugs would only add to the toxicity. In our efforts to conquer the two biggest epidemics of our time—diabetes and obesity—we must turn our attention to environmental toxins that we put in and on our bodies.

It is imperative that you optimize your body’s ability to detox. If your body’s detoxification tools aren’t up to speed, waste will build up in your organs and tissues. Overtime, the damage is similar to what happens when trash collectors go on strike. The waste piles high, making the area smell and creating a breeding ground for illness. Do you remember the New York City Christmas Trash Collectors Strike of 1981? Trash mounded up in the streets, which attracted rats in droves and led to disease. Had it not been so cold, they would have had a major health crisis. When the trash was finally hauled away, with nothing left to feed on, the rats left.

We live in an environment steeped in chemicals that our bodies were not designed to process. For a disturbing look at the chemicals that invade our bodies, check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.  In the 2008 report, scientists at the CDC found that nearly every person they tested was packing around a host of nasty chemicals that included flame retardants stored in fatty tissue and Bisphenol A (2), a hormone-like substance found in plastics.  Even babies were contaminated. The average newborn has 287 chemicals in her umbilical cord blood, 217 of which are neurotoxic (poisonous to nerves or nerve cells) (3).(4)


(1) Jones OA, Maguire ML, Griffin JL. Environmental pollution and diabetes: a neglected association. Lancet. 2008 Jan 26;371(9609):287-8.

(2) Lang IA, et al. Association of urinary bisphenol A concentration with medical disorders and loratory abnormalities in adults. JAMA. 2008 Sep 17;300(11):1303-10.

(3) Environmental Working Group “Study Finds Industrial Pollution Begins in the Womb” (www.ewg.org/reports/bodyburden2/newsrelease.php)

(4) http://drhyman.com/blog/2012/02/20/how-toxins-make-you-fat-4-steps-to-get-rid-of-toxic-weight/


Are You Ready to Detox?

If you are ready to get rid of the breeding ground for illness and disease and to dump the toxins that make your cells fat, please join me for my 30-Day Detox & Weight Loss Challenge.  It begins August 10.  I’m going to do this with you.  I’ll be coaching you all the way and giving you updates on what I’m doing.  I’ll have teleconference calls with you as well.  Your course materials will come via email.  You’ll also be invited to our private Facebook page.  You don’t have to purchase a cleanse kit to do this program.  But if you want the added help and support of the herbal products, I’ve made the kits affordable with 25% off until the end of this month. Summer is the perfect time to cleanse.  Sign up by August 1, and you’ll get the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL!!

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