Weight Loss and the Pineal Gland

Weight is one of the most common challenges that most people tackle. . .  again and again. It is no wonder, as weight gain, weight retention, and weight loss have multifactorial causes and no one solution fits all. It certainly explains while some people are successful applying common diet and exercise approaches while others try the same methods only to find themselves yo-yo-ing between losing and gaining the same stubborn 5,10, 20, or 40 pounds, and finally feel discouraged and almost helpless.

Undoubtedly, there are fundamental principles that lie at the core of any weight optimization strategy, including regular exercise, low calorie nutrient-rich whole foods, and avoidance of processed and artificial foods. We also emphasize stress management and appropriate detoxification, use of herbs and supplemental nutrients. This process always takes discipline. The reward is that usually this approach brings the body into balance so it returns to optimal function and weight. But occasionally we need to address the brain-body communication system which, once out of balance, fails to provide proper feedback in regulating cravings and satiety, mood and energy and even sleep. This signaling needs to be reset in the hypothalamus/pineal command center in the brain, which then begins to send the correct messages to various organs and systems of the body.

The pineal gland is a small pine cone shaped organ inside your brain that secretes hormones like melatonin, serotonin and DMT (Dimethyltryptamine).  Melatonin and serotonin are responsible for sleep and meditative states, and emotional states of well-being, bliss, and euphoria.

“We use an extensive questionnaire to identify how your body processes energy,  and where the stumbling blocks are, and then create the correct strategy for you bringing together physical, mental and emotional factors, in order to restore balance, and support you on the path to optimal health and weight.”

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