Reset Your Brain & Lose Weight

Reset Your Brain & Lose Weight

“The evidence is quite convincing – eating fattening foods causes inflammatory cells to go into the hypothalamus,” explains nationally known obesity expert Louis Aronne, M.D., Director of the Comprehensive Weight-Control Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital /Weill Cornell Medical Center.. “This overloads the neurons and causes neurological damage.”

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Addressing the Stress & Weight Connection

Stressing Out Over Your Weight?

Are you doing everything right when it comes to diet and exercise, but you’re still not losing weight especially around the midsection? The issue could be chronic stress. Is stress eating an old friend? How about making poor food choices when you feel anxious, depressed or nervous? Stress is not just some inconvenience to push through. Failing to address the stress in your life has profound ramifications on your weight as well as your health.

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Health and Weight Loss Breakthrough!

Health and Weight Loss Breakthrough!

Detox: Your Key to Health and Weight Loss

Detoxification means cleansing your blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. But when these systems are compromised or overloaded with toxins and waste, impurities aren’t properly filtered and the body is under duress. 

I recently listened to Joel Osteen on SiriusXM as I was driving. He told the story of a remote village in Africa where the people suddenly started getting very sick, some even died. A team of investigators were sent out from the closest major city to determine what was making the people sick. When they tested the water, they found that it was contaminated. They looked and looked for the source of the contamination but could not find it. Finally, they sent divers up the mountain to the source of the stream to see what they could find. They discovered that a mother pig and her piglets had fallen in and drowned. They were stuck right at the opening where the water flowed out. 

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Double Chin Gone with a Juice Fast

Double Chin Gone with a Juice Fast

Can it possibly be true?  Yes indeed.

Are you wanting to get rid of jowls or a double chin? I wouldn’t recommend a prescription drug. That’s what I see promoted from the plastic surgeon’s office that’s down the hall from where I get my hair done. What kind of side effects would you get from a drug that targets fat under your chin? I’m all for natural remedies. But could juice fasting really melt away fat in odd places like under the chin? There are all sorts of reports about green juices melting belly fat. So why not face fat? Well, you can’t argue with someone’s success!

Here’s Raoul’s story firsthand:

“I want to let you know that we tried one of your one-week juice fasts last year. I’d had a strange “jowlyness” under my chin for a while, like a sort-of double chin or fattiness. This disappeared completely after the juice fast and has not returned since. Amazing result!!  All the best and thanks again for the excellent work you do!”        —Raoul

If you have some fat pockets you’d like to melt away, why not give juice fasting a try? My 5 Day Juice Fassst starts Monday. You can sign up today and get your produce shopping done over the weekend.

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6 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Keep

6 New Year’s Resolutions You Should Keep

It’s time to let go of all the things from 2017 that weren’t good for you…the disappointments, the poor health, the extra weight, the financial challenges, the relationship challenges. Whatever it is, it’s time to let it all go. Join me in choosing to make 2018 your best year yet!

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Watercress Wrinkle-Fighting Soup

Watercress Wrinkle-Fighting Soup

According to Medical Daily “Watercress has been touted as a healing herb as early as the days of Hippocrates, who located the first hospital on the island of Kos, close to a stream to ensure fresh watercress would be available to treat patients. Modern science has found more than 15 essential vitamins and minerals in the herb, such as more iron than spinach; more calcium than milk; and more vitamin C than oranges.” (1)

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5 Ways to Tame Your Sweet Tooth

5 Ways to Tame Your Sweet Tooth

Do you like your glass of wine before dinner, your dinners to be accompanied by dessert and your occasional doughnut—or cookie from that corner bakery that you love. But, if you sweet tooth is getting the best of you and you health is suffering as a result, or your waistline is expanding, or your skin is rebelling against your sugar intake with small clusters of blemishes, then it might be high time to curb your sugar habit.

Even if you aren’t a “sugar fiend” by definition, it is likely that your diet still consists of foods and beverages that are packed with sugar without your knowledge (think: orange juice, “natural” fruit chews, and countless other packaged foods you eat on the go.) If weight gain, poor health, or skin breakouts aren’t enough to convince you to slow your sugar intake, then maybe these recent finds will: recently, the British Journal of Sports Medicine referenced a study that found that too much sugar may lead to or trigger “brain disease, liver disease and breast cancer.” Nutritionist, Cherie Calbom asserts that, “the toxicity of excessive sugar consumption is well-documented, yet it’s so prevalent in our packaged foods that we may be digesting it without knowing it.” If you’re in need of a sugar detox, here are the top 5 tips for cutting back.

  1. Pick the right day to start. A birthday or celebration dinner is not the best time to commit to a new diet. You’ll eventually develop the willpower to navigate through special events, but it’s not a good idea to start with an unusual challenge.
  2. Go cold turkey. Studies show sugar is as addictive as cocaine and heroin, so it’s not something you can ease into or pursue in half measures. If you eat a little less to gradually eliminate it from your diet, you’ll keep getting triggered into wanting more sweets. You have to completely let it go.
  3. Scrutinize every label. We are naturally inclined to crave sugar, which is why manufacturers try to smuggle it into their products. The only way to root out sugar in all its forms – soups, condiments, breads, etc. – is to read grocery labels carefully. The sooner sugar is mentioned, the more that’s in there.
  4. Make emergency snack packs. Whether shopping, traveling or at work, you don’t want to be caught hungry without a healthy option. Plummeting blood-sugar levels will make it that much harder to resist sugar-laden treats. Nuts and seeds, veggie sticks, turkey jerky and apples are among the healthy options.
  5. Take time to de-stress. Stress causes spikes in cortisol, a hormone that makes you irrationally hungry, leaving you susceptible to sugar-laden snacks. When stressed, take a long, deep breath in for five seconds, hold, and then let it out to a count of five. Deep breathing is said to activate your vagus nerve, which properly regulates metabolism.bunny

Adapted from my article that appeared in Essence magazine this week.

Are you addicted to sugar? Take my Sugar Addiction Quiz, here.


Join My Sugar Detox Program Today It Begins March 28

Get the Early Bird Special!

Don’t wait another day!

If you want to get serious about kicking your sugar habit, get my newest book, The Juice Lady’s Sugar Knockout and sign up for my 30-day Sugar Detox Program. It starts March 28. This is a great way to usher in spring, and detox those chocolate Easter bunnies you ate (I hope not!) a few days before.

Join Today!

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8 Reasons to Ditch Sugar

8  Reasons to Ditch Sugar

Here are a few TOP TIPS to help you shed those pounds and feel great:

  1. Sugar is a major contributor to inflammation. Inflammation is a top cause of heart disease and nearly all other diseases. You can read more about inflammation in my book The Juice Ladys Anti-Inflammation Diet.
  2. Sugar makes you fat.  It is loaded with calories that are stored in fat cells.
  3. Sugar will raise your cholesterol. For years we were told it was fat that raised our cholesterol, but sugar is worse.
  4. Sugar makes you nervous. There is a clear link between excess sugar and disorders like anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia, because of high levels of insulin and adrenalin that get released with sugar consumption
  5. Sugar causes diabetes, kidney and heart problems.  Excess sugar can damage the pancreas’s ability to function properly.
  6. Sugar destroys your teeth.  Sugar increases the bacteria in your mouth that erodes enamel. The biggest problem with many popular toothpastes is that they contain sugar. They are not required to put the sugar on the label.
  7. Sugar suppresses the immune system.  Sugar beats out vitamin C in your immune cells and weakens them.
  8. Sugar causes wrinkles. A high-sugar diet damages collagen, the layer just below the skin that gives you that youthful appearance.
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