Juicing For Health | Juicing To Lose Weight | Juice Lady Cherie

Time for Your Summer Detox!

It’s highly beneficial to detox with the change of each season. Since we’re just a few weeks into the summer season, this is a great time to clean out the winter and spring excesses, lose a few pounds and get your sparkle back.

Detoxing has a big effect on your mood!  Often people get more clarity, feel more energetic, are less stressed and revitalized after cleansing. This can give you a more positive outlook on life and the inspiration to live a healthier lifestyle. While detoxing helps you clean out excess waste from your body, it also helps you release emotions and thoughts that you might have been storing as well. Detoxing is a great way to let go of things that have been bothering you and keeping you stuck emotionally.

If you detoxed last year, that’s not enough to carry you to the end of this decade or even through this year. It’s like changing the oil filter, air filter and oil in your car. You can’t say you did that last year and now it should be good for a few years. Time and miles roll on and the need for an oil change and tune-up come around too. The same applies to your body. It’s time for your tune up your body. You could get a new car if you don’t take good care of the one you have. But you can’t get a new body. This is it. You get one for the journey. Detoxing helps you take care of it.

If you detox and nourish your colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, blood and lymphatic system, you’ll have a much better chance of staying healthy right through the winter months, pushing those winter blues and flu away and preventing disease.  The lymphatic system carries waste from your body. It also controls and regulates your immune system.  When this system becomes sluggish, you may experience symptoms like aches and pains, fluid retention, swelling, allergies, fatigue, constipation, colds and weakened immunity.  Sign up now for the 30-Day Detox and get your Internal Cleanse Kit with the Free Colon Cleanse Kit.  The kit makes your program far more effective.

If you want to improve your lymphatic system cleansing, get the Lymphasizer.

10 Reasons to Detox Now

  1. Lose weight
  2. Gain a sense of well-being
  3. Get rid of toxins
  4. Prevent chronic disease or heal your body of disease
  5. Strengthen your immune system
  6. Increase your energy
  7. Slow the aging process*
  8. Mental clarity
  9. Emotional balance
  10. Healthier skin

*I want to share my personal story on the anti-aging effects of detoxing. I just got my new driver’s license. I held it beside my license from 6 years ago. I look younger in this current picture. My husband was shocked. Driver’s license pictures are not known to be one bit flattering so it certainly wasn’t good photography that made me look younger. I’ve been doing more detoxing and juicing. It pays off.”  Cherie

Liver Detox Juice Cocktail

One of the unique cleansing properties of arugula is that it counteracts the destructive effects of heavy metals, particularly in the liver. A member of the cruciferous vegetable family, it is rich in detoxifying antioxidants.

  • 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic
  • 1 handful arugula
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 green apple
  • 1/4 cup mint
  • Juice of 1 lime
  • 1-inch-chunk ginger root

Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice and stir. Enjoy! Serves 1.

From The Juice Lady’s Guide to Fasting

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