Juicing For Health | Juicing To Lose Weight | Juice Lady Cherie

Lower Sugar = Lower Blood Pressure.

Medical News Today (December 2014) reported that research which was published in the journal Open Heart showed that added sugars undoubtedly contribute more to hypertension than dietary sodium.1

1 http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/288229.php

Fr. Gregory Lost 28 Pounds and Lowered His Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

“I was diagnosed with diabetes about a month ago. I really didn’t like taking the medication because of the side effects. My goal was to heal my body with good nutrition so I wouldn’t need medication any longer. To achieve my goal, I stopped consuming so many dairy products, which are high in sugar. Instead of milk, I began drinking freshly made vegetable juices. I lowered my carbohydrate intake as well. In 30 days, I lost 20 pounds (and now a total of 28)! I cut my medication in half because my blood sugar fell too low. I was very encouraged by how quickly my body responded to my dietary changes. My blood pressure and cholesterol are down, except that my HDL (good cholesterol) is up. My goal is to get off the medication completely and control my blood sugar with good diet choices.”

—Fr. Gregory

Want to do the same? Read about my 30 Day Detox Challenge and Jumpstart 2016 Weight Loss Program. See what is best for you!

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