The Complete



Read Michael Mahaffey’s amazing story of his near-death experience and how he became a cancer survivor for more than 20 years.

  • Learn how detoxification and whole foods-based nutrition can you help beat cancer
  • Learn how to get the toxins out of your life—from food to cosmetics to household cleaners
  • Learn how to overcome the mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks to your healing
  • Learn how to establish a Purposeful Living Program to help you stay cancer free

The Complete Cancer Cleanse e-book has been selected as a Kindle Monthly Deal.


Barbara's Cure

At 39 years of age, I was so unhealthy I thought I’d be dead before I turned 50. I felt sick all the time, tired, and had severe pain in my abdomen and lower back. I was finally diagnosed with colon cancer at age 41 and it had spread to my liver, lungs, and other areas of my body. The doctors didn’t give me hope of recovery, but rather told me to get my affairs in order.

That was when I found Cherie’s book The Complete Cancer Cleanse. I started on her programs of juicing and cleansing. I first went on a three-week alkalizing diet. And then, four days into the colon cleanse, my body got rid of a mass about the size of my fist along with a lot of other unwanted stuff. I continued to go to the clinic for monitoring, and surprisingly my tumor markers repeatedly went down and down.

At the same time, I started feeling better and better. My energy returned. My pain went away. And I started looking healthier. I’m now 47. My doctors finally pronounced me cancer free. They wanted to wait five years to declare that I don’t have cancer any longer. I’ve never felt better in my life! Recently, I ran up a flight of stair-like a teenager. It was the same stairway that used to wind me and I could barely walk those steps. I’m truly amazed when I look in the mirror at how much younger I look.

Just the other day a lady told me I looked about 37. I know my great health, youthful appearance, and my life is due to juicing, alkalizing my body, and the cleansing programs in this book.
