Sipping Skinny Weight Loss Program

Super Charge Your Weight Loss with the Sipping Skinny Program!

If you just overindulged during the holidays or if you have been carrying extra weight for a lifetime, you can sip off the pounds in a healthy way!!!

If you’re ready to melt away fat, this program is for you. It can help you in balancing your blood sugar, boosting your metabolism and gaining more energy…and can boost your metabolism and help you burn fat. With private Facebook coaching from me and lesson plans, you will meet your health and weight goal in time for holiday fun!

“Cherie, 6 inches in my waist!  I’ve got a few more to go, but it won’t take long. This truly works. The 6 inches only took 2 or 3 weeks.  I feel so happy. I believe I was telling you I gained all this fat after years of bodybuilding from medication. Not fun. But now the weight is flying off! I’ve made such progress. I’m going to keep juicing. I feel better all over, not just the weight. My movement is far better. I’m going to be able to go jogging soon too. I’m buying new shoes and a mini skirt. I’ve got great legs now.” —Joanne

This program includes:

  • 3-week course

  • Email coaching

The Sipping Skinny Program begins when you choose at a VERY SPECIAL PRICE!!!

The cost is only $19.95

Join Now!