Thyroid Tune-Up

Thyroid Tune-Up

Your thyroid function may be too high, too low, or fifty shades of in between.  It’s the “in-between” I want to help because less than optimal doesn’t get addressed with standard thyroid tests. If your thyroid function is suboptimal, you may be fatigued and have trouble losing weight or sleeping. You might have stinging in your eyes or lines on your finger tips. Low thyroid function is a common condition, as evidenced by the fact that Synthroid (synthetic thyroid hormone) is the fourth most prescribed drug in America. But many people struggle with less than optimal health never knowing what to do to get better.

T4 is the primary hormone produced by the thyroid gland but it is not the most active. T4 is converted to T3. T3 is 3 to 8 times more potent than T4. But T4 is the hormone measured.  What matters most, however, is how well the thyroid hormones do their job, not just how much hormone is measured in a blood test.

Stress hormones, nutrient deficiencies such as iodine and selenium, mercury, lead, and cadmium toxicity along with certain medications can impair the enzymatic conversion of T4 to T3.  Other aspects of thyroid hormone metabolism can be impaired and ultimately result in less than optimal thyroid function. Inadequate thyroid stimulatory hormones from the brain and pituitary gland due to stress, very low calorie diets, inflammation, and environmental toxins can promote low thyroid function. Other dysfunctions include impaired production of hormones due to iodine deficiency, toxins that affect the thyroid (chlorine, bromine, and fluoride), certain medications, excessive intake of certain foods especially sugar, and autoimmune reactions, which can be initiated by food intolerances and other environmental factors.

You can improve your thyroid function and bring it into more optimal function. Take the Thyroid Quiz to get a better idea about your thyroid health.


For my nutritional program to heal the thyroid, get a copy of my latest book The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Thyroid Disorder on sale now for $9.00.


Thyrocsin for $27.35  is an excellent thyroid supplement that I highly recommend.




Special offer  Thyroid Renew—the book and the supplement  $35.95



Special supplement offer Thyrocsin™ 3-pack  $59.95.



You may want to couple this with my adrenal support Vitality Renew.



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Acid Reflux and Sugar

Acid Reflux and Sugar

Research shows that eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates can help control acid reflux.  A very low-carbohydrate diet improves gastroesophageal reflux and its symptoms.  That’s the title of a study that was published in Digestive Disease Science, 2006.

In addition, here are some other dietary interventions to help you heal acid reflux:

  • Eliminate dairy and gluten
  • Eliminate alcohol, caffeine, citrus, tomato-based foods, and spicy foods.
  • Don’t eat within 3 hours before bed.
  • Don’t eat junk food.
  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Eat cooked foods, like fish, chicken, lightly steamed veggies, and brown, red or wild rice, and quinoa; include veggies juices and  green smoothies; avoid raw food for now.
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals, at least 4 a day.

Include Natural Remedies to Soothe the Gut

  • Take 2 to 3 capsules of digestive enzymes with each meal.  I recommend Ness #4 and 16
  • Re-inoculate the gut with healthy bacteria by using probiotics.  I recommend HMF Forte.
  • Try 75 to 150 mg of zinc carnosine twice a day between meals — this has been extensively studied and is used frequently in Japan.
  • Take 3 to 5 grams of glutamine powder in water twice a day to help heal the gut lining.
  • Chew 2 to 3 chewable tablets of DGL (a form of licorice) 15 minutes before meals.  Do not use licorice candy.
  • Take 200 to 400 mg of magnesium citrate or glycinate twice a day.


Notes: Dig Dis Sci. 2006 Aug;51(8):1307-12. Epub 2006 Jul 27.Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Aug. 2006).


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Praise for Cherie’s Books

Praise for Cherie’s Books

I praise God and thank The Lord for Him leading me to your article in the Jan. 2015 Charisma Magazine.  It is answered prayer.  I said a prayer to God to please help me with this intense fatigue I have had, all I ever did and wanted to do was sleep and had no energy whatsoever in doing anything, such as housework and laundry was a MAJOR task for me.  I would go make the bed and right after making the bed, I went right into it and would sleep for hours. About a month ago, I decided to go into church thru the side door instead of the front door like I always do and there right smack in front of me on a table was the Charisma Mag “The Juice Lady” someone had put on the table for the taking, THAT WAS A MIRACLE right there, because I never go into church thru side door and I started reading and reading and then I ran out to bookstore and bought your books Anti-Inflammatory Diet and Juicing Fasting and Detoxing for Life.  I’ve been juicing now for about 3 days and took your quiz on Fatigue, I scored very intense, severe.  Praise God for the revelation.  Thank you Cherie you are a blessing.  All God.  God took me right to that mag and answered my prayers for better health.  I FEEL G R E A T since I cut out ALL that sugar and using organic fruits and veggies and I was able to get some things done around the house and feeling great this past weekend.  On top of that my foot, my ankle was very swollen and the swelling has gone down along with the pain.  I forgot how great it feels to be without pain in that ankle plus the limping from the pain which affected my hips, leg and lower back are almost gone. The morning blend 32 ozs. a day.  LOL when I drink 16ozs. in the am and 16ozs. in the afternoon, I can actually feel my body feeling better almost right away and I’m so happy. Thank you Jesus.  Can’t wait to receive my Remedies for Stress and Adrenal Fatigue book and the supplements for this fatigue.  I think I will be able to fly lol.  God’s Blessings.  Thank you again, my life will never be the same.  God’s not dead and answers prayer.  Be well Idalia

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