Think RED!

Think RED!

Red Juices for Lymphatic System, Adrenals, Kidneys and Heart

The color red (and purple) is associated with the adrenal glands, the lymphatic system and the kidneys. Red foods also nourish the heart. When you think of red produce (tomatoes, berries, cherries, pomegranate, beets and cranberries), the nutrient that stands out is lycopene, which is a carotenoid that is a powerful antioxidant associated with reduced cancer risk,  especially prostate cancer. It is also associated with reduced risk of heart attacks. Many red fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, folate, and flavonoids, which have been shown to reduce inflammation. Cranberries are a good source of tannins, which prevent bacteria from sticking to cells; hence they are important in fighting infections. They are the reason cranberry juice is a standard treatment for bladder infections.

I want to focus in on the lymphatic system in today’s newsletter because it’s a system we don’t think much about. Rarely does anyone in the medical field bring it up unless there’s a problem such as lymphoma. But lymphatic system health is something we should all be aware of and work to maintain.

The lymphatic system is a drainage system with a network of fluid, organs and vessels that removes cellular debris, proteins, foreign bodies, bacteria, viruses, toxins, and excess fluid from tissue spaces. Since it has no pump like the heart, the lymphatic system can become congested, especially with a sedentary lifestyle, because it is exercise that keeps it moving. It can get clogged up and you’ll never know it until something gets your attention with a huge wake-up call. A clogged lymphatic system can weaken your immune system and stress your other pathways of elimination. It can contribute to everything from cellulite to cancer. See my e-book The Cellulite Cure.

Symptoms that You May Have Lymphatic Congestion

  • Rings are tight on your fingers
  • Soreness and/or stiffness in the morning
  • Tired/fatigued
  • Bloating/water retention
  • Skin itches
  • Weight gain, especially around the mid-section
  • Swollen glands
  • Impaired immunity
  • Brain fog
  • Breast swelling or soreness with each cycle
  • Dry skin
  • Mild rash or acne
  • Mild headaches
  • Elevated histamine and irritation due to environmental allergens
  • Occasional constipation, diarrhea and/or mucus in the stool

If you have any of these symptoms, or even if you don’t, I recommend a lymphatic system cleanse. (We don’t usually wait to change the oil in our car until we have symptoms.) In addition to red juices, which are very supportive of the lymphatic system, increase your water intake to a minimum of 8 glasses of purified water a day. Drink at least 3 glasses of veggie juice daily; make some of that red juice. Start your day with warm water and some lemon with a dash of cayenne pepper. Get the Lymph Rejuvenator or get the Internal Cleanse Kit with the free Colon Cleanse Kit. This has the Lymph Rejuvenator in the kit. I also recommend that you check out the Lymphasizer (Swing Machine). It is very effective at moving the lymph.


Today’s Juice Recipe

Red Sunrise

Drinking beet juice may help to lower blood pressure in a matter of hours. One study found that drinking one glass of beet juice lowered systolic blood pressure by an average of 4–5 points.

  • 1 green apple
  • 1/2 small beet with leaves
  • 1 cucumber, peeled if not organic

Cut produce to fit your juicer’s feed tube. Juice ingredients and stir. Serves 1.

From The Juice Lady’s Guide to Fasting

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Need a Kidney Detox? Take the Quiz!

Need a Kidney Detox? Take the Quiz!

Need a Kidney Detox? Answer these important questions.

I recently did two liver cleanses. I ended up with some kidney symptoms afterward. That’s not so unusual actually.  When toxins come pouring out of their hiding places, the kidneys can get quite overloaded trying to expel all the toxins. I’m now going for a kidney/bladder cleanse.

You may need to cleanse your kidneys and bladder, too. We should cleanse these hard-working organs at least once a year. Find out if your kidneys need some cleansing.

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • dry skin, skin rashes, hair loss
  • inability to focus, fuzzy vision
  • fatigue, lethargic feeling, drowsiness
  • heart palpitations, high blood pressure
  • incontinence, kidney stones, urinary tract infections
  • decreased urine flow and increased nightly urination
  • burning or painful urination, dark-colored urine
  • itching, sleep problems, metallic taste in the mouth
  • nausea, coldness, fever
  • swollen joints, stiff neck, cramps
  • abdominal or lower back pain
  • poor appetite, anemia

Here’s what you can do to cleanse your kidney and bladder:

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Kidney Nourishing Juices and Foods

Kidney Nourishing Juices and Foods

Kidney Nourishing Juices and Foods 

I just had a foot zonology appointment this week.  Zonology is a technique that utilizes the signal system in our feet to rejuvenate, balance, restore, and detoxify the entire body while assisting in the natural healing process.  I was surprised to learn during that session that my kidneys aren’t being nourished well resulting in poor blood flow in and out of the kidneys.  Strong, well-nourished kidneys are needed to support good blood flow through them.

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Detox = Weight Loss

Take Out the Trash – Lose Weight!

Did you know that toxins make you fat? They keep you from losing weight even when you are dieting. If you are struggling to lose weight despite eating well and exercising, toxins may be interfering with your body’s metabolism. There’s a lot you can do when it comes to taking out your body’s trash.

Because of all the environmental pollution in our world and our occasional, or maybe continual, unwise food choices, our normal body processes can get overwhelmed. Toxic substances, mucus, and congestion get trapped in our tissues and tissue spaces. Our body attempts to protect us by enclosing toxins in mucus and fat cells. When toxins enter your body, it does what it’s designed to do—protect you and keep you alive. To do that, the body needs to get the chemicals away from your vital organs and delicate tissues. The safest place to store them is in your —you guessed it!—fat cells. Then it’s going to hang onto those little storage tanks to protect you. It will even make more fat cells to store toxic waste if it needs them. So you get fatter and feel more sluggish and tired as time goes by. The only way that you are going to get rid of the toxin-filled fat cells is to do a cleanse. When you drink the cleansing, detoxifying juices that I recommend, along with the herbal tinctures, your cells can let go of the toxins and your body can let go of the fat.

Voila! You start losing weight without a huge amount of effort. You also start feeling better.

It’s estimated that the average adult has between five and ten pounds of accumulated toxic waste in their cells, tissues, and organs, particularly the colon. (That’s five to ten pounds we could feel really great about dropping!) Toxic substances that accumulate throughout the body can weaken and congest our organs and systems of elimination and lead to diseases such as cancer. They also mess up our weight-loss goals. If we go on a very strict diet that forces the body to let go of fat cells for survival, the weight will come right back on when we stop the program.

Toxins can cause diabetes to boot? Reporting in the Lancet (2008) scientists revealed a disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes(1). As the toxic bad guys roam around though out your body, these chemicals monkey with your ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insulin resistance. There are no drugs to treat it. The treatment is to cleanse your body.

Toxins make us sick; it’s now a proven fact. Market Watch Headline News yesterday sums it up: “Lifestyle gets blame for 70% to 90% of all cancers!” (2) A recent study published in Nature (2015) revealed that it is mostly environmental and external factors like smoking, drinking, diet, getting too much sun and exposure to toxic chemicals that cause cancer, rather than intrinsic factors like random cell mutations. Intrinsic factors accounted for just 10% to 30% of people’s lifetime risk of getting cancer, while extrinsic risks accounted for 70% to 90% for most common cancer types, the study showed. “Cancer risk is heavily influenced by extrinsic factors,” the study researchers, who work at Stony Brook University in New York, concluded.(3)

Looking at the information in the box below, you will notice that obesity or weight is listed for many different types of cancer. Why is that? I believe it’s because toxins are stored in fat cells and people who are overweight have a lot of toxicity hanging around to make them sick. This is something we all need to address, however, whether we are overweight or not. Cleansing our body will help us lose weight, but it will also help us prevent serious diseases down the road. Read Angel’s story below about how she cured her psoriasis with my liver detox.

Market Watch Article

Angel’s Story

“I had gotten psoriasis on my hands very badly from so many years of doing hair. When Cherie came to my salon and saw my hands, she gave me the carrot liver cleansing diet. She told me to do it once a month and possibly for 6 months. In one week my psoriasis on my hands was gone. It was amazing! She is awesome. All I can say is that I’m so happy to see all the information that she has given to so many people.”                                          —Angel


  1. Jones OA, Maguire ML, Griffin JL. Environmental pollution and diabetes: a neglected association. Lancet. 2008 Jan 26;371(9609):287-8.


30_dayJoin the 30 Day Detox Challenge eClass. Here’s to a Healthy Happy 2016!

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Baking Soda for Kidney Disease

Baking Soda for Kidney Disease

Sodium bicarbonate is not only an excellent agent for natural chemotherapy, bringing as it does higher O2 levels through increased alkalinity to the cells, it is also one of the most basic medicines we have for kidney disease. New research by British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.[1]

Bicarbonate acts to stimulate the ATPase by acting directly on it.[2] The simple household product used for baking, cleaning, bee stings, treating asthma, cancer and acid indigestion is so effective in treating kidney disease that it prevents patients from having to be put on kidney machines. The findings have been published in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Bicarbonate is a truly strong universal concentrated nutritional medicine that works effectively in many clinical situations that we would not normally think of. It is a prime emergency room and intensive care medicine that can save a person’s life in a heartbeat and it is also a supermarket item that you can take right off the shelf and use for more things than one can imagine.

Dr. S.K. Hariachar, a nephrologist who oversees the Renal Hypertension Unit in Tampa Florida stated, upon seeing the research on bicarbonate and kidney disease, “I am glad to see confirmation of what we have known for so long.  I have been treating my patients with bicarbonate for many years in attempts to delay the need for dialysis, and now we finally have a legitimate study to back us up. Not only that, we have the added information that some people already on dialysis can reverse their condition with the use of sodium bicarbonate”.

Dose used to slow the rate of kidney decline in patients with CKD

  • Approx. 600 mg  baking soda three times daily given orally in tablet form  (increased as necessary to achieve and maintain blood levels) – 600 mg is equivalent to ~ ¼ teaspoon baking soda powder, which can be taken dissolved in a small glass of water or juice for consumption.

Fruits and vegetables improve your kidney function. Such fruits include grapes, cranberries and blueberries; vegetables include fennel, onions, celery, beets, spinach, string beans and asparagus. If you are suffering from kidney disease, make sure the fruits and vegetables you eat are low in potassium.



[2] Origin of the Bicarbonate Stimulation of Torpedo Electric Organ Synaptic Vesicle ATPase. Joan E. Rothlein  1 Stanley M. Parsons. Department of Chemistry and the Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A.

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