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Is Yeast Causing Your Sweet Tooth?

Is Yeast Causing Your Sweet Tooth?

Could yeast be controlling your life? Like what you eat? How you feel? Even your motivation? Millions of people, around 80 million it’s estimated, have a battle with this single-cell fungus that they cannot even see. Normally, this yeast is harmless. But Candida cells can develop rapidly with the right conditions. Eating too many sweets and refined carbs, alcohol, and junk food, taking certain prescription drugs, or fighting an illness can upset the status quo in your gut. Then Candida can grow out of control. The result is a long list of health problems that many doctors never are able to diagnose let alone know how to treat. This fungus can rob you of energy and steal your quality and enjoyment of life.

If you suspect that you may have candidiasis, take the quiz. Get your score. If it’s high, get help. My program 10 Step Sugar Detox and The Yeast Control Products are designed to help you get this condition under control so you can take your life back.


If you suspect you might suffer from candidiasis, W. G. Crook, M.D. has developed a questionnaire that you can fill out to determine the likelihood. There are different point scores at the end of each question. Note the points and add them up. The score evaluation is at the end of the quiz.

Your History

  1. Have you ever taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for acne for one month or longer? 25
  2. Have you at any time in your life taken other “broad-spectrum” antibiotics for respiratory, urinary, or other infections for two months or longer, or in short courses four or more times in a one-year period? 20
  3. Have you ever taken a broad-spectrum antibiotic (even a single course)? 6
  4. Have you at anytime in your life been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis, or other problems affecting your reproductive organs? 25
  5. Have you been pregnant one time? 3
  6. Two or more times? 5
  7. Have you taken birth control pills for six months to two years? 8
  8. For more than two years? 15
  9. Have you taken prednisone or other cortisone type drugs for two weeks or less? 6
  10. For more than two weeks?  15
  11. Does exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors, and other chemicals provoke mild symptoms? 5  Moderate to severe symptoms? 20
  12. Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or moldy places? 20
  13. Have you had athlete’s foot, ringworm, “jock itch,” or other chronic infections of the skin or nails?   Mild to moderate?  10   Severe or persistent? 20
  14. Do you crave sugar? 10
  15. Do you crave breads? 10
  16. Do you crave alcoholic beverages? 10
  17. Does tobacco smoke really bother you? 10


Major Symptoms

For each of your symptoms below, enter the appropriate figure in the Point Score Column.

If symptom is occasional or mild                                                      score 3 points

If symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe                           score 6 points

If a symptom is severe and/or disabling                                         score 9 points

  1. Fatigue or lethargy (0-9)
  2. Feeling of being drained (0-9)
  3. Poor Memory (0-9)
  4. Feeling “spacey” or “unreal” (0-9)
  5. Depression (0-9)
  6. Numbness, burning, or tingling (0-9)
  7. Muscle aches (0-9)
  8. Muscle weakness or paralysis (0-9)
  9. Pain and/or swelling in joints (0-9)
  10. Abdominal pain (0-9)
  11. Constipation (0-9)
  12. Diarrhea (0-9)
  13. Bloating (0-9)
  14. Persistent vaginal itch (0-9)
  15. Persistent vaginal burning (0-9)
  16. Prostatitis (0-9)
  17. Impotence (0-9)
  18. Loss of sexual desire (0-9)
  19. Endometriosis (0-9)
  20. Cramping and other menstrual irregularities (0-9)
  21. Premenstrual tension (0-9)
  22. Spots in front of eyes (0-9)
  23. Erratic vision (0-9)


Other Symptoms

For each of the symptoms below, enter the appropriate figure in the point Score Column.

If symptom is occasional or mild                                                      score 1 points

If symptom is frequent and/or moderately severe                           score 2 points

If a symptom is severe and/or disabling                                         score 3 points

  1. Drowsiness (0-3)
  2. Irritability (0-3)
  3. Lack of coordination (0-3)
  4. Inability to concentrate (0-3)
  5. Frequent mood swings (0-3)
  6. Headache (0-3)
  7. Dizziness/loss of balance (0-3)
  8. Pressure above ears, feeling of head swelling and tingling (0-3)
  9. Itching (0-3)
  10. Other rashes (0-3)
  11. Heartburn (0-3)
  12. Indigestion (0-3)
  13. Belching and intestinal gas (0-3)
  14. Mucus in stools (0-3)
  15. Hemorrhoids (0-3)
  16. Dry mouth (0-3)
  17. Rash or blisters in mouth (0-3)
  18. Bad breath (0-3)
  19. Joint swelling or arthritis (0-3)
  20. Nasal congestion or discharge (0-3)
  21. Postnasal drip (0-3)
  22. Nasal itching (0-3)
  23. Sore or dry throat (0-3)
  24. Cough (0-3)
  25. Pain or tightness in chest (0-3)
  26. Wheezing or shortness of breath (0-3)
  27. Urinary urgency or frequency (0-3)
  28. Burning on urination (0-3)
  29. Failing vision (0-3)
  30. Burning or tearing of eyes (0-3)
  31. Recurrent infections or fluid in ears (0-3)
  32. Ear pain or deafness (0-3)



Total Score from History  ___

Total score from Major Symptoms  ___

Total score for Other Symptoms  ___



What Your Score Means

Women         Men

>180                                   >140                   Yeast- connected health problems are almost certainly present

120-180                             90-140               Yeast-connected health problems are probably present

60-119                                40-89                 Yeast-connected health problems are possibly present

<60                                    <40                      Yeast-connected health problems are less likely to be present


This questionnaire is adapted from W. G. Crook The Yeast Connection.


Although the Candida Questionnaire can help determine your condition, ultimately the best method for diagnosing candidiasis is clinical evaluation by a physician knowledgeable about yeast-related illness.

If your score indicates you have a yeast overgrowth, I highly recommend the yeast control products: Yeast Max, YeastZyme Max, and Ultimate FloraMax Advanced Care 100 Billion    (30 caps)

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