Juicing For Health | Juicing To Lose Weight | Juice Lady Cherie

Thyroid and Osteopenia/Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, osteopenia, or bone loss can be caused by thyroid levels (T3 and T4) that are too high or too low. High thyroid levels up-regulate the genes involved with bone resorption or bone loss.  But thyroid hormone also up-regulates the genes involved with bone formation and bone generation. If thyroid levels are too low, bone generation is impaired. Healthy bone metabolism requires thyroid levels that are neither too high nor low.

Research has shown that thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) has a dual function: Osteoblasts actually have TSH receptors that are constantly “listening” for signals from TSH. T3 sets the bone building tempo. It needs to be consistent and regular to produce harmonic results, and it involves many key players. For instance, osteoblasts actually play an important role in mediating the thyroid hormone stimulation of osteoclastic resorption, according to a study published in the European Journal of Endocrinology. This means that osteoblasts act as mediators between thyroid hormone and osteoclasts (the cells that tear down bone).

Without sufficient T3, normal bone remodeling is disrupted, and bone resorption happens at a more rapid rate than bone building. The result is decreased bone density and osteopenia  or osteoporosis.

Other Related Conditions Associated with Thyroid Disorder

  • Adrenal Fatigue (see The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Stress and Adrenal Fatigue)
  • Anemia
  • Hyponatremia (low blood sodium)
  • Lack of coordination
  • Clumsiness
  • Tendency to fall
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting episodes
  • Vertigo
  • Tremor
  • Growth disturbances in children
  • Chronic allergies
  • Chemical sensitivities
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • Rhabdomyolysis (destruction of skeletal muscle)
  • Scoliosis
  • Hernia

For the sake of your bones, it is very important to feed your thyroid and support the health of this gland.  Nutrients that empower the thyroid are very important to include when you are under stress as well as when you have symptoms of low thyroid. (Take the Thyroid Quiz)  Iodine is necessary for formation of T4, while L-tyrosine is a necessary component of both T4 and T3 formation. Animal studies indicate the botanical ashwagandha can increase T4 concentrations. Several nutrients are also necessary for conversion of T4 to T3, including the minerals selenium, zinc, and copper. An insufficiency of vitamin B 12 appears to interfere with the activity of thyroid hormones. Conversion of T4 to T3 can be inhibited by heavy metal toxicity and lipid peroxidation; the antioxidant vitamins C and E can counterbalance this inhibition.


For more information and remedies for thyroid health, get my book  The Juice Lady’s Remedies for Thyroid Disorder.

On special now for just $9.00.




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Today’s special offer Thyroid Book + Supplement Special offer Thyroid Renew-

the book and the supplement – $35.95




  1. Hi Cherie,

    Thanks for this information. I read your newsletters regularly and have tried some of your juicing recipes. I’m curious what you might recommend for someone dealing with thyroid issues related to synthetic thyroid hormone like Synthroid. I had my thyroid removed 4 years ago and have been experiencing a number of the symptoms you mention above since taking the synthetic hormone(curiously I experienced none of them before the thyroid was removed). I’ve tried addressing the issue with my endocrinologist but she just keeps telling me I will need to live with them as I must keep taking the medicine.



    • Many naturopathic doctors recommend Armour Thyroid–from an animal source as better than synthetic. Also, I would recommend the supplements I featured in my newsletter today for the thyroid. Also, juice lots of veggies and include radishes.

  2. Dionne Adamitis

    I have asked this question three times and never seem to be able to find the right spot to read your answer. Would you mind e-mailing me the answer?

    I read in other palaces that people with low thyroid should not eat cruciferous veggies raw. But you have people blending them. I want to do what is good for my body as I am in so much fatigue for 18 years. Please help!

    • You can have cruciferous vegetables but should rotate them and not everyday if you are diagnosed as hypothyroid. Lightly steaming them can be very helpful. You can also juice them.