Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

According to a study published June 10, 2013, in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings antidepressants and cholesterol-reducing drugs are the two categories of prescription drugs most widely used among patients ages 50 to 64, and their use is likely to increase as that cadre ages into Medicare eligibility.

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The Truth About Cholesterol

The Truth About Cholesterol

More and more people are telling me that their cholesterol numbers are too high for their age when the number is only around 190.  This is a very good number. According to NIH 200 or less is considered very good. But that isn’t communicating to all health practitioners. The whole issue of cholesterol needs to be revisited because cholesterol lowering drugs are destroying many lives.

The husband of a friend of mine started taking a cholesterol-lowering drug several months ago.  He quit taking it after he ended up in serious pain and felt like he was dying. He can barely walk now. He has severe pain that travels throughout his body and manifests as severe cramps in various parts of his body.  It moves from his head to neck, or it may travel to his chest, or show up in his legs.  He never knows where it will strike. The pain is more severe than anything he has ever experienced.

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Toxic Liver Causes High Cholesterol

Toxic Liver Causes High Cholesterol

A congested liver is one reason people have high cholesterol, even though they may eat a very healthful diet and exercise regularly. Your liver creates more cholesterol than a normal diet contains. If you cut your cholesterol intake completely, your body would simply manufacture more. If you have high cholesterol, you may have stones or congestion in your liver. As stones grow and congestion increases, the pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. It could be likened to your garden hose containing pebbles or small stones or having a kink. Much less water would flow through it, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out water.

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Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

Dangers of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

According to a study published June 10, 2013, in the Journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, antidepressants and cholesterol-reducing drugs are the two categories of prescription drugs most widely used among patients ages 50 to 64, and their use is likely to increase as that cadre ages into Medicare eligibility.

One in four boomers has a statin prescription.

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The Truth About Cholesterol

More people are telling me that their cholesterol numbers are too high for their age when the number is only around 190.  This is a very good number. According to NIH 200 or less is considered very good. But that isn’t communicating to all health practitioners. The whole issue of cholesterol needs to be revisited because cholesterol lowering drugs are destroying many lives.

I just had a conversation with a friend last week. Her husband started taking a cholesterol-lowering drug several months ago.  He quit taking it after he ended up in serious pain and felt like he was dying. He can barely talk now. He has severe pain that travels throughout his body and manifests as severe cramps in various parts of his body.  It moves from his head to neck, or it may travel to his chest, or show up in his legs.  He never knows where it will strike. The pain is more severe than anything he has ever experienced.

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Rejuvenating Power of Fasting

Rejuvenating Power of Fasting

Rejuvenating Power of Fasting

“Fasting is the food of the soul.

St. John Chrysostom


We kicked off our 30-Day Detox Challenge January 4 with a 3-day juice fast. It’s been an amazing journey for more than 150 of us.

The health benefits of fasting are numerous and significant. Often people say they experience benefits in just a few days such as greater energy, brain power, and vitality. Other important benefits include improved digestion, stronger immune system, better sleep, reduced inflammation, balanced blood sugar, improved circulation, weight loss, balanced hormones, clearer skin, and a greater sense of well-being. Long-term exposure to toxins has been linked to numerous types of cancer, diabetes, and other chronic, health conditions. Flushing toxins and waste away with a veggie juice fast is a super rejuvenator for your body.

Do you want to heal your body? You can rejuvenate your body from the inside out. It is said that only half of our cells are fully functional, another quarter are in the formative stage, and the remaining are sick or degenerating. Fasting takes care of the last quarter. “The diseased cells disappear [in a fast], and the healthy ones remain,” says Otto Buchinger. (From Wisdom From the Monastery)

30877912_lJuice fasting happens at our retreats. We begin with gourmet raw foods and Tuesday begin a juice fast for 3 days together. It’s very helpful to have a group to juice with. It’s also very helpful to have the juice made for you, along with not having any food temptations lying around. We’ve seen amazing healing take place at our Juice and Raw Food Retreats in just five days. People lose weight, look younger, get rid of pain throughout their bodies, and start healing more serious conditions. I invite you to join us in April for a life-changing week.

Look at what these people experienced with juice fasting and detoxing:

This is the 3rd week [of the detox] for me. I was so happy to look in the mirror and see ALL the cellulite in the back area GONE!! The skin is as smooth and toned as could be, without having worked out since we started. Wow, just wow! Keep up the work, everyone, it’s so worth it. Also, I am not weighing till monday but I can tell I’ve lost a lot. —Jonida

I have also lost cellulite but it was so hard to believe, I didn’t say anything (and I have a little more to lose). Thanks for mentioning this. It’s a confirmation for me!   —-Nancy Jo

I began an enlightening journey juicing about 2 quarts a day. Every day.  What happened?  I became less hungry. That gnawing feeling of always being hungry left me.  The cup full of vitamins I took 3 times a day dwindled down to about a tablespoon once a day.  The pain I felt most of the time has lifted. I only want to eat meat once every three days now. I experimented to see what would happen if I used juice in place of different vitamins, to see if I could eliminate them.  When I added more ginger, my sinus congestion left.  I experimented to see if I was imagining the improvements. I deleted the juice for 2 days.  The pain, lack of energy, hunger and sinus congestion returned.  I went back on the juice and it went away again.

“I am a mother of 7. Between being pregnant and nursing it adds up to 14 years.  Even though my diet has been very good all those years I see that I was so hungry for what I have found in juicing.  It has become an ‘A’ activity for me. I am saving hundreds of dollars a month by getting my vitamins fresh in juice. Quite a concept.  I am surprised…and delighted. ”    —-Kathy

“What an amazing class. I would have never made it thru without Cherie’s guidance. The group experience was beyond helpful. People across the world took part. So much healing in people. People lost from 8 to 30 pounds and felt so much better. I lost the stubborn last 10 pounds that plague so many along with achy joints.  Thank you, Cherie”. – B.W. 

Read more about my Juice and Raw Food Retreats

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How Toxins Make Us Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

How Toxins Make Us Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead

In 2008 scientists discovered a surprising and disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes(1). Inside your body, chemicals disturb your ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the disruptions can lead to insulin resistance. Why hasn’t this been headline news? Most probably because there are no drugs to treat it. In fact, the drugs would only add to the toxicity. In our efforts to conquer the two biggest epidemics of our time—diabetes and obesity—we must turn our attention to environmental toxins that we put in and on our bodies.

It is imperative that you optimize your body’s ability to detox. If your body’s detoxification tools aren’t up to speed, waste will build up in your organs and tissues. Overtime, the damage is similar to what happens when trash collectors go on strike. The waste piles high, making the area smell and creating a breeding ground for illness. Do you remember the New York City Christmas Trash Collectors Strike of 1981? Trash mounded up in the streets, which attracted rats in droves and led to disease. Had it not been so cold, they would have had a major health crisis. When the trash was finally hauled away, with nothing left to feed on, the rats left.

We live in an environment steeped in chemicals that our bodies were not designed to process. For a disturbing look at the chemicals that invade our bodies, check out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.  In the 2008 report, scientists at the CDC found that nearly every person they tested was packing around a host of nasty chemicals that included flame retardants stored in fatty tissue and Bisphenol A (2), a hormone-like substance found in plastics.  Even babies were contaminated. The average newborn has 287 chemicals in her umbilical cord blood, 217 of which are neurotoxic (poisonous to nerves or nerve cells) (3).(4)


(1) Jones OA, Maguire ML, Griffin JL. Environmental pollution and diabetes: a neglected association. Lancet. 2008 Jan 26;371(9609):287-8.

(2) Lang IA, et al. Association of urinary bisphenol A concentration with medical disorders and loratory abnormalities in adults. JAMA. 2008 Sep 17;300(11):1303-10.

(3) Environmental Working Group “Study Finds Industrial Pollution Begins in the Womb” (www.ewg.org/reports/bodyburden2/newsrelease.php)

(4) http://drhyman.com/blog/2012/02/20/how-toxins-make-you-fat-4-steps-to-get-rid-of-toxic-weight/


Are You Ready to Detox?

If you are ready to get rid of the breeding ground for illness and disease and to dump the toxins that make your cells fat, please join me for my 30-Day Detox & Weight Loss Challenge.  It begins August 10.  I’m going to do this with you.  I’ll be coaching you all the way and giving you updates on what I’m doing.  I’ll have teleconference calls with you as well.  Your course materials will come via email.  You’ll also be invited to our private Facebook page.  You don’t have to purchase a cleanse kit to do this program.  But if you want the added help and support of the herbal products, I’ve made the kits affordable with 25% off until the end of this month. Summer is the perfect time to cleanse.  Sign up by August 1, and you’ll get the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL!!

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8 Reasons to Ditch Sugar

8  Reasons to Ditch Sugar

Here are a few TOP TIPS to help you shed those pounds and feel great:

  1. Sugar is a major contributor to inflammation. Inflammation is a top cause of heart disease and nearly all other diseases. You can read more about inflammation in my book The Juice Ladys Anti-Inflammation Diet.
  2. Sugar makes you fat.  It is loaded with calories that are stored in fat cells.
  3. Sugar will raise your cholesterol. For years we were told it was fat that raised our cholesterol, but sugar is worse.
  4. Sugar makes you nervous. There is a clear link between excess sugar and disorders like anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia, because of high levels of insulin and adrenalin that get released with sugar consumption
  5. Sugar causes diabetes, kidney and heart problems.  Excess sugar can damage the pancreas’s ability to function properly.
  6. Sugar destroys your teeth.  Sugar increases the bacteria in your mouth that erodes enamel. The biggest problem with many popular toothpastes is that they contain sugar. They are not required to put the sugar on the label.
  7. Sugar suppresses the immune system.  Sugar beats out vitamin C in your immune cells and weakens them.
  8. Sugar causes wrinkles. A high-sugar diet damages collagen, the layer just below the skin that gives you that youthful appearance.
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