Heartbreaking Fact

Depression & Antidepressants

It is with a heavy heart that I am sharing that a dear friend of mine committed suicide this week. She was on an antidepressant because she’d been depressed and wasn’t sleeping well. She was given the antidepressant to help her sleep. Instead it clouded her judgment and she took her life with those pills. I am absolutely devastated. That is why I’m writing this newsletter to warn you. Beware of antidepressants. The drug my friend was on has a high incidence of suicides. And if you aren’t sleeping well, use something besides an antidepressant to sleep. Warn everyone you know. These drugs are dangerous.

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15 Wheatgrass Juice Cures

15 Wheatgrass Juice Cures

I was feeling a bit tired yesterday afternoon. I took 4 wheatgrass juice capsules and perked right up. That reminded me of the healing, rejuvenating power of wheatgrass.

Wheatgrass Juice Works Wonders!

Just go online and google wheatgrass juice cures. Amazing stores of people healed of cancer pop up all over the place. But that’s not all. Take a look at the conditions wheatgrass juice can help. . . and there’s so much more.

  1. Skin Diseases
  2. Lose Weight
  3. Food Cravings
  4. Prevent and Beat Cancer
  5. Cellular Detox
  6. Improved Immune System
  7. Improved Circulation
  8. Improved Digestion
  9. Reduced Fatigue
  10. Cleanse the Liver
  11. Lower Cholesterol
  12. Clear Sinus Congestion
  13. Fight a Cold
  14. Treat a Hangover
  15. Fight Depression

Wheatgrass Juice Can Repair DNA

The amino acids and antioxidants in wheatgrass can help repair damaged DNA and reduce the effect of free radicals, which harm these essential elements of our cells, according to a 2006 study in Phytotherapy Research. Damaged DNA can create havoc in your body, causing sterility, genetic abnormalities, and accelerated aging. Supplementing with wheatgrass juice is a great way to stave off a variety of physical ailments.

Wheatgrass Juice is a Big Part of Our Juice Retreats

We serve a shot of fresh wheatgrass juice mid-morning and mid-afternoon at our retreats.

Check out what Alesia, who attended a retreat, had to say:

“I lost 10 pounds detoxing [at your retreat]. I haven’t stopped juicing since then! I juice daily and drink wheatgrass juice shots! I also eat a raw plant-based diet. When I came to the retreat, I had chronic multiple health problems. You were gracious enough to give me a scholarship so I could attend. Thank you so much for that. You and Father John changed my life immensely. I wanted to let you know I no longer have fibromyalgia. Last year was the first fall and winter that I didn’t suffer from immense pain and chronic fatigue. Also for the first time in years, I lowered my liver enzymes and blood sugar to where I no longer need medication. I have healed my body through nutrition. With my passion for health and healing, I entered the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

I graduated March 14th 2017 and as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.Thank you for all that you do! I will be forever grateful.” ~Alesia

Wheatgrass Juice Powder — if You Don’t Have Time to Make Fresh Wheatgrass Juice

It’s fairly time consuming to make wheatgrass juice and not always easy to find good wheatgrass. We have ours flown in for our retreats. It’s really sweet and fresh. But that’s just not realistic for most people. Therefore, I searched for the best wheatgrass juice powder I could find. Check out SweetWheat. This is the wheatgrass juice powder I take. It works. It comes in powder and capsules.

Wheatgrass Juice Powder Sale 10% OFF Powder and Capsules 

Use code WHEATGRASS10 for discount.

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Depression & Mental Fog Gone with Watercress

Depression & Mental Fog Gone with Watercress

Watercress was once considered by the Greeks and Romans to be a symbol of strong, influential people. And since the time of Hippocrates, it has been used as a remedy for various ailments. In the 1700s, Nicholas Culpeper (author of Culpeper’s Herbal) believed watercress could cleanse the blood.  But somewhere along the way, it fell from grace. Not that long ago watercress was only used as just a garnish on a plate and in tea sandwiches. But not anymore. It’s making a comeback. It’s a superfood star. Research on its health benefits abound. In fact it recently got a perfect score of 100 for all around high nutrients beating out even kale.

Look to folate, along with B6 and B12, which improve memory and cognitive function.  Watercress is rich in folate and folate has been found to reduce the risk of depression. A study at the Rush University on 954 people for 4.5 years showed that consumption of vegetables rich in folate, vitamin K, lutein, and beta-carotene was associated with slower cognitive decline. (1) L-Methylfolate is the only form of folate that crosses the blood-brain barrier.  It has a role in neurotransmitter synthesis, indirectly facilitating the synthesis of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine—three neurotransmitters involved in mood regulation and other important functions. And, yes, you guessed it! Watercress is high in methylfolate. That is also true of other green veggies. Most fresh greens are sources of folate. They have between 50% and 100% of their folate in the active L-methylfolate form. Genesis Superfood Juice Powder has watercress juice powder as part of the delicious mix.

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What You EAT (and drink) Can Help Fight Depression

Depression Fighting Juices and Foods

I received a call this week from a friend whose close friend committed suicide recently. His friend had been depressed and had just started taking medication for the depression. Anthony Bourdain suffered from depression. So did Kate Spade. We’ve seen a rash of suicides lately that were connected with depression.

Many people suffer from a depressive disorder and live in the shadows of their pain because they don’t want to get the stigma of having any kind of mental problem. It’s nothing to be embarrassed by or ashamed of. Approximately 21.5 million Americans suffer from depression. 

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Detox or Die

Detox or Die

Detox or Die

What causes disease? It comes down to two things: an overload of toxins and deficiency of nutrients. If we keep cleansing our bodies and feeding them superior nutrition like we get from fresh vegetable juices, we have an excellent chance of staying healthy.

Want to avoid fall sniffles? Some health practitioners say that if you cleanse with the seasons, you won’t get sick. This is your opportunity to clean out the toxins before the holidays season is upon us. Cleansing your body not only helps you flush away the toxins, you can flush away fat too.

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Turmeric Better Than Prozac for Depression

Turmeric Better Than Prozac for Depression

Turmeric Better Than Prozac for Depression

Turmeric has been found to contain some of the best medicinal properties that can deliver an all-in-one solution for your health. This root has some very powerful anti-inflammatory properties. As a matter of fact, it helps in preventing further growth of cancerous cells. Turmeric is also well known to treat depression and lowers cholesterol. The list is long, but it is worth mentioning other benefits like its ability to treat skin cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and conditions like arthritis, heartburn, jaundice, diarrhea, gallbladder and stomach pain.

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Discover Your Destiny

Your Destiny is Waiting…

Not knowing who we are and not knowing why we are here are two of the most compelling reasons why vegetable juicing and making other healthy dietary changes becomes so volatile for many people. It is often difficult to deal with the stresses of life without our favorite “comfort foods” and especially sweets to stuff down a variety of emotions. It’s hard to avoid food temptations when we don’t have a compelling reason to discipline urges for the wrong foods and drink. And we often find we can’t face ourselves once toxins start coming out.

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Happy or Depressed?

Happy or Depressed?

This is a stressful time of year. A lot of extra responsibilities and activities fall on our plates that are already quite full.  We can get stressed, depressed, and anxious.  Add to that, less time to make juice and other nutritious foods, and we can start feeling really hopeless, blue, or stressed out.  But, that can all change—maybe in one day.

Did you know you can actually change your mood with what you eat and drink?  It’s true!  I’ve worked with hundreds of people that have gone from depressed, anxious, and stressed out to happy, calm, and more centered.  Juicing vegetables is a BIG key.

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Detox = Weight Loss

Take Out the Trash – Lose Weight!

Did you know that toxins make you fat? They keep you from losing weight even when you are dieting. If you are struggling to lose weight despite eating well and exercising, toxins may be interfering with your body’s metabolism. There’s a lot you can do when it comes to taking out your body’s trash.

Because of all the environmental pollution in our world and our occasional, or maybe continual, unwise food choices, our normal body processes can get overwhelmed. Toxic substances, mucus, and congestion get trapped in our tissues and tissue spaces. Our body attempts to protect us by enclosing toxins in mucus and fat cells. When toxins enter your body, it does what it’s designed to do—protect you and keep you alive. To do that, the body needs to get the chemicals away from your vital organs and delicate tissues. The safest place to store them is in your —you guessed it!—fat cells. Then it’s going to hang onto those little storage tanks to protect you. It will even make more fat cells to store toxic waste if it needs them. So you get fatter and feel more sluggish and tired as time goes by. The only way that you are going to get rid of the toxin-filled fat cells is to do a cleanse. When you drink the cleansing, detoxifying juices that I recommend, along with the herbal tinctures, your cells can let go of the toxins and your body can let go of the fat.

Voila! You start losing weight without a huge amount of effort. You also start feeling better.

It’s estimated that the average adult has between five and ten pounds of accumulated toxic waste in their cells, tissues, and organs, particularly the colon. (That’s five to ten pounds we could feel really great about dropping!) Toxic substances that accumulate throughout the body can weaken and congest our organs and systems of elimination and lead to diseases such as cancer. They also mess up our weight-loss goals. If we go on a very strict diet that forces the body to let go of fat cells for survival, the weight will come right back on when we stop the program.

Toxins can cause diabetes to boot? Reporting in the Lancet (2008) scientists revealed a disturbing fact: environmental toxins make you fat and cause diabetes(1). As the toxic bad guys roam around though out your body, these chemicals monkey with your ability to balance blood sugar and metabolize cholesterol. Over time, the changes can lead to insulin resistance. There are no drugs to treat it. The treatment is to cleanse your body.

Toxins make us sick; it’s now a proven fact. Market Watch Headline News yesterday sums it up: “Lifestyle gets blame for 70% to 90% of all cancers!” (2) A recent study published in Nature (2015) revealed that it is mostly environmental and external factors like smoking, drinking, diet, getting too much sun and exposure to toxic chemicals that cause cancer, rather than intrinsic factors like random cell mutations. Intrinsic factors accounted for just 10% to 30% of people’s lifetime risk of getting cancer, while extrinsic risks accounted for 70% to 90% for most common cancer types, the study showed. “Cancer risk is heavily influenced by extrinsic factors,” the study researchers, who work at Stony Brook University in New York, concluded.(3)

Looking at the information in the box below, you will notice that obesity or weight is listed for many different types of cancer. Why is that? I believe it’s because toxins are stored in fat cells and people who are overweight have a lot of toxicity hanging around to make them sick. This is something we all need to address, however, whether we are overweight or not. Cleansing our body will help us lose weight, but it will also help us prevent serious diseases down the road. Read Angel’s story below about how she cured her psoriasis with my liver detox.

Market Watch Article

Angel’s Story

“I had gotten psoriasis on my hands very badly from so many years of doing hair. When Cherie came to my salon and saw my hands, she gave me the carrot liver cleansing diet. She told me to do it once a month and possibly for 6 months. In one week my psoriasis on my hands was gone. It was amazing! She is awesome. All I can say is that I’m so happy to see all the information that she has given to so many people.”                                          —Angel


  1. Jones OA, Maguire ML, Griffin JL. Environmental pollution and diabetes: a neglected association. Lancet. 2008 Jan 26;371(9609):287-8.
  2. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/your-lifestyle-is-to-blame-for-70—90-of-cancers-2015-12-17?dist=countdown
  3. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature16166.html


30_dayJoin the 30 Day Detox Challenge eClass. Here’s to a Healthy Happy 2016!

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Hazelnuts…More Than Just Delicious

Hazelnuts…More Than Just Delicious

Hazelnuts rank #1 in tree nuts for folate. This translates into a decreased risk of neural tube birth defects and may help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and depression. They also have the highest proanthocyanidin content of any tree nut, which may help reduce the risk of blood clotting and urinary tract infections. Hazelnuts are particularly high in manganese and copper. Copper is needed for iron absorption and manganese is necessary for bone formation.

Hazelnut Butternut Squash

  • 1/2 cup hazelnutsRoasted Butternut Squash Lasagna 500
  • 2 medium butternut squash, peeled, seeded, cubed
  • 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt & pepper to taste
  • 4 Tbsp butter
  • 2 cups onions or leeks, sliced
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh sage, minced
  • 2 tsp. fresh thyme, minced
  • 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
  • 5 oz baby spinach, washed
  • 5-6 oz soft goat cheese, crumbled (optional)
  • 1 cut plain unsweetened hazelnut milk


Preheat oven to 400 degrees

Heat hazelnuts in a skillet over medium-low heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until nuts turn a little brown and fragrant. Transfer to a plate to cool.

Place butternut squash, oil, salt, and pepper in a large bowl and toss to coat evenly. Transfer onto a baking sheet and roast until just tender and beginning to brown, about 25 minutes. Set aside.

Reduce oven to 375 degrees.

Heat 3 Tbsp butter in medium pan over medium heat and add onions, sage, thyme, and nutmeg. Cook 15 minutes or until onions are soft. Remove from heat and stir in spinach.

Butter a 9 x 13 baking dish; spread half the onion mixture over the bottom. Next layer half of the squash and half of the goat cheese. Repeat the layering with the rest of the onion mixture, squash and cheese. Pour the hazelnut milk over the gratin. Chop the nuts and sprinkle over the top. Bake uncovered until bubbling, about 35 minutes.

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Health Benefits of Fennel

Health Benefits of Fennel

In animal studies, anethole, a phytonutrient in fennel, has repeatedly been shown to reduce inflammation and to help prevent the occurrence of cancer. Fennel is an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, fiber, and potassium. Fennel is also known as a natural mood enhancer, something we all need when we’re down.  It’s something I need right now.  I fell down our steps and sprained my ankle.  I have great empathy now for everyone who is in pain.  If that’s you, I say a prayer for you today. Pray for me.

I’m considering serving the below soup at our May Jaw Food and Juice Retreat Let me know what you think.

Raw Fennel Soup


•           1 1/2 cups chopped fennel (approx. 1 large bulb)

•           3 organic celery stalks

•           1 small-medium avocado

•           1/2 cup lemon juice

•           1/4 cup spring or filtered water

•           1/2 tsp unrefined sea salt

•           4 inch length of spring onion

•           2 ice cubes


1. Blend everything until smooth (up to 1 minute). Adjust flavors to taste – add more lemon or sea salt to taste, or more water for a thinner consistency.

2. Pour into small bowls, and garnish with fennel sprigs or parsley.

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Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation

New Research Discovers That Depression Is An Allergic Reaction To Inflammation

Could depression actually be caused by what you eat?  Research would indicate that it is because diet is the leading cause of inflammation.

Health Science and the Human Brain (January 6, 2015) noted that new research reveals many cases of depression are actually caused by an allergic reaction to inflammation.  Tim de Chant of NOVA writes: “Inflammation is our immune system’s natural response to injuries, infections, or foreign compounds. When triggered, the body pumps various cells and proteins to the site through the blood stream, including cytokines, a class of proteins that facilitate intercellular communication.  It also happens that people suffering from depression are loaded with cytokines.”  Inflammation is caused by obesity, high sugar diets, high quantities of trans fats, and unhealthy diets in general, and along with stress.

By treating the inflammatory symptoms of depression — rather than the neurological ones — researchers and doctors are opening up an exciting new dimension in the fight against what has become a global epidemic.  There is evidence that omega 3 fatty acids and curcumin, an extract of the spice turmeric, might have similar effects as anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, ginger root, dark red cherries, blueberries, and hibiscus tea fight inflammation.

Eleanor Morgan of VICE adds: “Cytokines skyrocket during depressive episodes and, in those with bipolar disorder. The fact that ‘normal,’ healthy people can become temporarily anxious or depressed after receiving an inflammatory vaccine — like typhoid — lends further credence to the theory. There are even those who think we should re-brand depression altogether as an infectious disease.”1

Food and mood are definitely connected.  Sugar is one of the leading causes of the blues.  In 1975 William Duffy wrote the book Sugar Blues.  He was right on target — and that was back when we didn’t have sugar in just about everything we buy in a package.  Last week I returned a package of sliced organic turkey to the store because, to my utter surprise, I found it contained sugar.  Ever since our nation went on a get-rid-of-all-fat craze, we’ve been dumping sugar in just about everything.  Thus depression is soaring, along with diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Many people can eat and drink their way out of depression.  I’ve seen this firsthand as I’ve worked with people to change their diet and change their mood. You just need to know the inflammation causing foods and the ones that are anti-inflammatory.  I highly recommend that you get a copy of my latest book The Anti-Inflammation Diet.


1 You can read much more by visiting The Guardian, VICE, and NOVA.  http://www.feelguide.com/2015/01/06/new-research-discovers-tha-depression-is-an-allergic-reaction-to-inflammation/

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