Juicing For Health | Juicing To Lose Weight | Juice Lady Cherie

Happy or Depressed?

This is a stressful time of year. A lot of extra responsibilities and activities fall on our plates that are already quite full.  We can get stressed, depressed, and anxious.  Add to that, less time to make juice and other nutritious foods, and we can start feeling really hopeless, blue, or stressed out.  But, that can all change—maybe in one day.

Did you know you can actually change your mood with what you eat and drink?  It’s true!  I’ve worked with hundreds of people that have gone from depressed, anxious, and stressed out to happy, calm, and more centered.  Juicing vegetables is a BIG key.

Here are some of the secrets as to why vegetable juice works so well to improve your mood.  Greens like spinach, kale, watercress, and broccoli are rich in folic acid—a deficiency contributes to depression.  Magnesium deficiency is linked with depression, poor attention, memory loss, fear, insomnia, and restlessness (including restless leg syndrome).  Juice magnesium-rich vegetables—beet with greens, spinach, Swiss chard, collards, and parsley.  Chlorophyll in dark greens helps fight depression. Fennel juice has been a traditional tonic to help release endorphins—the feel good chemicals that elevate mood and dampen anxiety and fear.  And, according to folklore, celery helps you forget your troubles from a broken heart and soothes your nerves.  Do you need a little nerve soothing right now?guide You can read more in The Juice Lady’s Guide to Juicing for Health—in the Anxiety and Depression chapters.

duoMy plate is so full now I can’t even see any plate.  So, I did an all green juice and green smoothie day—3 green juices and 3 green smoothies.  I woke up early the next day feeling like a million!  I was so happy I couldn’t stop smiling.  See, it’s true—your mood can change in one day.  But remember– you also need to eliminate the things that contribute to depression—sweets and coffee are two big culprits.  Also, avoid refined foods, fast food, and junk food.

It’s time to rev up your juicer.  Make a big batch of juice and maybe some green smoothies.  Take them with you to work, shopping, school, or errands.  Keep your juices cool and in an airtight container.  This is your POWER PAK remedy to kick the holiday blues and stress.

And if you don’t have time to juice, get our new product Garden’s Best Superfood Juice Powder.

Get the Introductory Special at 25% to 40% OFF. This price is only good thru Dec 31.





  1. Byron Battle

    Is there a way to take your products with the opportunity to make an income through network marketing and/or the ability to get the products at a continued discount. I know for me and I am sure others network marketing in the past has its negativity, but I was just wondering. Thank you and God Bless !!!!

    • You can become an affiliate Byron and sell the Garden’s Best juice powder. You can purchase it at 40% off and sell it at retail or 10% off. You would need to start now with a case of 6,


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