Juicing For Health | Juicing To Lose Weight | Juice Lady Cherie
Sandra’s Story

Neuropathy Helped with Juicing

Hi Cherie, you sent me a wonderful Nama J2 juicer, which I am using all the time. I was diagnosed with neuropathy. I have been given infusions every month —2 days for 3 hours). And I am going to a spinal doctor bc my back is “an S” due to a fall when I was 2 1/2 yrs old down 2 flights of stairs and landed on my back on concrete.

I will be receiving shots on each side of my lower spine to take the pain away from 6 months to a year.

This seems to be all modern medicine has for neuropathy. So far, nothing but the shots have shown much to help with the back and neuropathy.

I saw your recipe for a liver d-tox on the internet. I decided to try it. To my utter shock, my whole body had changed! The next day I had energy for the first time in almost a year. I have been depressed, weak, no energy, therefore taking naps. The day after the beet liver juicing, I got up on the treadmill. After a long time, I cleaned, scrubbed, and did things I haven’t had the strength or energy to do.
My attitude was not depression, but happiness, so my brain was affected by the juice. My thoughts were clear and orderly. I have done it twice again with the same results.

My question to you is: what ingredient or ingredients were so powerful to bring SUCH a change? It only lasts about a day.
What is my body lacking that these ingredients provided?

This is the first time in a long long time that I feel like I used to.

Beet Neuropathy Juice! 

Beets are rich in nitric oxide, which helps relax and dilate blood vessels so blood flows more easily. This can help improve the pain associated with neuropathy. it can also help decrease muscle soreness. It has also been shown to improve energy, metabolism, and exercise performance. Also, green vegetables have been shown to help improve neuropathy pain, repair, nerve damage, and reduce nerve inflammation.


  • 3 kale leaves
  • 2 beets
  • Several stalks asparagus
  • 1 lemon
  • 1/2 fennel
  • 1 chunk ginger



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