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10 Ways to Reduce Sugar Intake:

We’re consuming more sugar than ever before in history — around 160 pounds a year per person. Whether it’s losing weight or preventing serious disease, it’s a good idea to cut back on sugar.

by Cherie Calbom

While soda consumption falls to a 30-year low, sugar intake rises to an all time high in other arenas.

Your morning latte may have as much as 25 teaspoons of sugar, according to Action on Sugar, a British campaign group.

Health campaigns working against excess sugar intake have been picking up momentum in recent years. And they’re not alone. Numerous studies on sugar have shown it’s as addictive as cocaine.

For example, a Connecticut College professor of psychology and a number of his students found Oreo cookies to be as addictive as cocaine. And just like people, the rats went for the middle of the cookie first.

We’re consuming more sugar than ever before in history — around 160 pounds a year per person. Once upon a time sugar was mostly in desserts, it’s now in everyday foods such as lunch meats, salad dressing, and tomato sauce.

It’s taking a toll on our health, according to recently published studies. The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center exposed high-sugar diets as a major risk for cancer, especially breast cancer.

The Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience journal indicates that sugar may cause not only diabetes and obesity, but also brain defects similar to those triggered by stress or abuse.

James DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist at St. Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute, reviewed dozens of studies and concluded that sugar is more dangerous than salt when it comes to cardiovascular risk.

Whether it’s losing weight or preventing serious disease, we all know it’s a good idea to cut back on sugar. But where do we start?

The 10-step Sugar Detox plan can help you get sugar down to 10% of your daily calories, which is what is recommended by the 2015 Dietary Guideline Advisory Committee.

1. Read labels and ask questions. Ask about the amount of sugar in your favorite flavored latte. You may want to order a less sweet option next time. Find out how much sugar is in your favorite peanut butter. You may be surprised!

2. Reduce your caffeine intake. There are multiple benefits to cutting back on your caffeine, including the temptation to use sugary creamers and accompanying sweets.

3. Skip the foods that turn to sugar easily. These include white buns, bagels, and fries. There are many great options such as whole grain buns for your burger and salad instead of the fries.

4. Enjoy healthy smoothies or fresh juices. Healthy smoothies and fresh juice that include dark greens like kale, spinach or chard can make you feel good in the long term and can help eliminate the urge for sugary snacks and excessive caffeine.

5. Power up with protein. Eggs, nuts, fish and other meats help balance blood sugar and insulin, thus curbing those cravings for sweets.

6. Eat your veggies. Non-starchy vegetables provide your body with much-needed vitamins that also will cut your urge for unhealthy, sugary snacks.

7. Drink eight glasses of water a day. Sufficient pure water keeps you hydrated, reduces headaches and constipation, and flushes out toxins. Remember, you may not be hungry, just thirsty. The next time you get an urge for something sweet, grab a glass of water first.

8. Supplement your diet with nutrient dense foods. A deficiency of the trace mineral chromium can cause a craving for sweets.

Eat more foods rich in chromium such as whole grains, romaine lettuce, onions, broccoli, green beans, and raw tomatoes.

B vitamins can help with carbohydrate metabolism. Choose salmon, broccoli, asparagus, bell peppers, and parsley.

9. Sleep well; sleep enough. Lack of sleep causes your appetite regulating hormones to get out of whack and then you crave sweets or other refined carbs.

10. Fight sugar cravings with fat. Healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, and nuts or nut butters make you feel full.

Cutting your sugar intake will not only contribute to a healthier heart, it can help you define a new waistline. You may be surprised by how much better you feel, how quickly your brain fog lifts, and how much energy you enjoy when sugar takes a backseat in your new, healthier lifestyle.

Cherie Calbom, MSN, holds a Master of Science degree in whole foods nutrition from Bastyr University. Known as “The Juice Lady” (juiceladycherie.com) for her work with juicing and health, she is the author of 31 books including “Sugar Knockout,” with millions of copies sold worldwide. No stranger to healthy diet trends, Cherie joined George Foreman as nutritional spokesperson in the Knockout the Fat phenomena that forever changed grilling in America.



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